Upcoming Events

Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau
Sat 14th Mar
to Sun 15th Mar
Winter Mardi Gras, Ellicottville, NY
You’re invited to Ellicottville’s annual celebration of the last days of the ski season, Winter Carnival and the Mardi Gras parade. 
For more information please call: 716-699-5046/800-349-9099

or visit: www.ellicottvilleny.co.....ekend
Ellicottville, NY
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Sat 14th Mar
to Sat 28th Mar
The Quilt Hunt, Bradford, Pa
An annual event where several quilts are "hidden" inside businesses within the Historic District. Shoppers pick up brochures and go from shop to shop, marking down which quilt they find at which location.

For more information on this event, contact Judy Brown at the Little Fabric Garden (814) 362-6070, as she does the quilts and heads up the event. littlefabricgarden.com
National Historic District of downtown Bradford, Main Street, Bradford, PA 16701
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Thu 19th Mar
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Battle of Remagen & US fire bombs Tokyo, Eldred WWII Museum
Presented by Steve Appleby. Doors open at 6:30 pm and program begins at 7 pm. This presentation is free to the public.

For more information call (814) 225-2220 or email info@eldredpaww2museum.com
Eldred World War II Museum, 201 Main St, Eldred, PA 16731, USA
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Thu 26th Mar
6:00 pm
9:00 pm
Ladies Night, Olean, NY
Do you need a night out? Plan for a Ladies Night Out the last Thursday of every month. ! Prizes, wine and spoon tastings in The Point, live music from Ade Adu, 50% off our specialty drink menu 25% off all other drinks and much more!!
For more information please call: 716-379-8210
or visit:
Good Times of Olean, 800R East State Street, Olean, NY 14760
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Sat 4th Apr
to Sun 5th Apr
Sports Page Cup Spring Series at Holimont Ski Area
For more information visit nyssra.org/schedule/?ageclass=u16    
HoliMont Ski Club, 6921 Route 242, PO Box 279, Ellicottville, NY 14731, USA
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Sun 12th Apr
Easter Buffet at Beefeaters Restaurant
Bring the entire family for an all-you-can-eat steak and seafood buffet.

For more information visit (814) 362-9717 or visit them online at thebeefeatersrestaurant.com
Beefeaters Restaurant, 27 Congress St, Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Sun 12th Apr
11:00 am
8:00 pm
Easter Buffet at Togi's Family Restaurant
Come eat and visit with the Easter bunny. Bunny will be passing out treats and visiting every table from 11 to 5 pm. There will be two, all-you-can-eat buffets in the restaurant and Banquet room.

For more information call (814) 368-6447 or visit them online at togis-family-restaurant.business.site
412 E Main St, Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Sat 18th Apr
8:00 am
to Sat 25th Apr
12:00 pm
$10,000 Tagged Trout Tournament, Smethport, PA
April 18 is the opening day of trout season and somewhere in Hamlin Lake, Potato Creek or Marvin Creek lives a trout with a special tag worth $10,000. Any of the 200 tagged trout caught from 8 am on April 18 through noon on April 25 will receive a prize, but one specially tagged trout is worth $10,000. $5 entry donation and pre-registration required prior to 7:59 am on Saturday, April 18, 2020, at McKean County E-Sales located at 311 West Main Street of Smethport.

For more information call (814) 887-4160 or email brendawalker@hughes.net
Hamlin Lake, Smethport, PA 16749, USA
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Fri 1st May
to Sun 3rd May
Fly Fishing Weekend, Olmsted Manor Retreat Center

This retreat is designed for aspiring fly-fishers, as well as, veteran fly-fishers that have never taken a formal course. This three-day course reveals all the secrets of fly fishing, from setting up your equipment, tying knots, identifying aquatic insects, determining where fish lay in the stream and selecting a fly, casting and fishing it in a way that leads to success. The cost of this course is $336, which includes the two-night stay and all meals. 

For more information visit www.olmstedmanor.org or call (814) 945-6512.

Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333, USA
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Sat 2nd May
I Love My Park Day, Salamanca, NY
I Love My Park Day, held the first Saturday in May, attracts thousands of volunteers from across the state to participate in cleanup, improvement, and beautification events at New York State parks and historic sites. Join us to celebrate New York's park system by cleaning up parklands and beaches, planting trees and gardens, restoring trail and wildlife habitat, removing invasive species, and working on various site improvement projects. 
For more information please visit:  

Allegheny State Park, Salamanca, NY
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Sat 2nd May
to Sun 3rd May
2 day Kinzua Fly Fishing School, Bradford
Fly fishing is an angling method in which an artificial "fly" is used to catch fish. Sign up for classes and learn how to fly fish like a pro. This is a 2 day class with all meals included and one-night lodging. $305 per person.
For more information call: 814-368-5814
Or visit: users.penn.com/~skvarka

University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Sat 2nd May
Downtown Spring Clean-Up, Bradford, Pa
A day for everyone to come out and give back to the community by volunteering in the community.

For more information call (814) 368-7170 ext. 117 or visit www.bradfordpa.org
Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Fri 8th May
to Sat 9th May
Clue the Musical, Bradford, PA
Clue the Musical will be an interactive dinner show performed at Afterwards Lounge. Patrons are invited to a dinner party where the who dunnit game will be played while musical numbers are performed by classic Clue characters. Each night of the performance, a different who, what and where outcome will conclude the dinner party. 

For more information visit www.bradfordlittletheatre.org or call (814) 331-9903.
The Afterwords Club, Beefeaters Restaurant, 27 Congress Street, Bradford, PA 16701
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Sun 10th May
Mother's Day Buffet at Beefeaters Restaurant
Bring that special lady in your life and family to the all-you-can-eat steak and seafood buffet at Beefeaters Restaurant.

For more information call (814) 362-9717 or visit them online at thebeefeatersrestaurant.com
Beefeaters Restaurant, 27 Congress St, Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Sun 10th May
11:00 am
8:00 pm
Mother's Day Buffet, Bradford, PA
Bring that special someone in your life to the all-you-can-eat buffet at Togi's Family Restaurant.

For more information call (814) 368-6447
or visit: togis-family-restaurant.business.site
Togi's Family Restaurant, 412 E Main St, Bradford, PA 16701
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Sun 10th May
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Southern Tier Symphony, Pitt-Bradford Arts
Southern Tier Symphony will perform series 3 of 3, The Magic of Music, on this day. For ticket information visit www.southerntiersymphony.org
Bromeley Family Theater, 300 Campus Drive, Bradford, PA 16701
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Fri 15th May
to Sat 16th May
Clue the Musical, Bradford, PA
Clue the Musical will be an interactive dinner show performed at Afterwards Lounge. Patrons are invited to a dinner party where the who dunnit game will be played while musical numbers are performed by classic Clue characters. Each night of the performance, a different who, what and where outcome will conclude the dinner party. 

For more information visit www.bradfordlittletheatre.org or call (814) 331-9903.
The Afterwords Club, Beefeaters Restaurant, 27 Congress Street, Bradford, PA 16701
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Fri 15th May
to Sun 17th May
3-day Kinzua Fly Fishing School, Bradford, PA
Fly fishing is an angling method in which an artificial "fly" is used to catch fish. Sign up for classes and learn how to fly fish like a pro. This class is 3 days long with all meals included and lodging for two nights. Commuter price is $420. Resident is $445
For more information call: 814-368-5814
Or visit: users.penn.com/~skvarka

University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Sat 16th May
GeoBash, Salamanca, NY

The weekend starts with the annual Meet & Greet Bonfire event Friday night hosted by the Allegheny Rangers.

On Saturday, the ASP Geobash XV event will take place at Camp Allegany. We have plenty of activities planned. Along with lots of new geocaches, it should be a busy weekend.

Sunday will be the traditional FREE pancake & sausage breakfast to get everyone up and going and clean up the event grounds.

Come and stay for the weekend or the day.

For more information please Visit:www.facebook.com/Allega.....oBash

Camp Allegany, Allegany State Park, Allegany State Park, Salamanca, NY 14779
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Sat 16th May
9:00 am
4:00 pm
Community Wide Garage Sale, Olean, NY
Come and explore the Olean, NY, area and hunt through 90+ household sales during this one-day event. This event is free to attend. For more information call 716-372-4433 or email info@oleanny.com
visit www.oleanny.com
Olean, NY 14760, USA
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Thu 21st May
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
VE Day, Eldred, PA
Presented by Steve Appleby. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the program begins at 7 pm. This presentation is free to the public.

For more information call (814) 225-2220 
or email info@eldredpaww2museum.com
Eldred World War II Museum, 201 Main St, Eldred, PA 16731
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Fri 22nd May
to Sun 24th May
Flickerfest, Celebrating 20 Years, Kane, PA

Celebrate 20 years in business with Flickerwood Wine Cellars & Cocktail Lounge during Flickerfest and enjoy the first taste of their newly released wine, Moscato. This weekend celebration will feature fireworks, live music, food, local artisans, amateur winemaking contest and so much more. 

For more information call (814) 837-7566 or visit them on the web at www.flickerwood.com

Flickerwood Wine Cellars, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA
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Fri 22nd May
to Sun 24th May
Spring Women's Retreat, Ludlow, PA

Sister speaker team Aimee and Amber Kaple will lead attendees in a time of renewal away from the worries of everyday life. Come and enjoy the beauty of the forest, supportive women, encouragement, space to share, delicious meals and purposeful relaxation. The cost is $175, which includes a two-night stay and meals.    

For more information visit www.olmstedmanor.org or call (814) 945-6512.

Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333, USA
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Sun 24th May
PA Fish-For-FREE Days. Pennsylvania
Fish-for-Free Days allow anyone (resident or non-resident) to legally fish on Pennsylvania waterways on the designated days with NO FISHING LICENSE REQUIRED (Trout/Salmon and Lake Erie permits are also NOT required). All other fishing regulations still apply.  

For more information please visit:
Pennsylvania Waterways
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Fri 29th May
to Sun 31st May
Home Show, Olean, NY
April 24 - 5 to 9 p.m.
April 25 - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
April 26 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Explore, Shop and Save on items for your home and garden at this one-stop shopping event. For more information call 716-372-4433 or email info@oleanny.com
Olean Recreation Center, 551 E State St, Olean, NY 14760, USA
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Fri 29th May
to Sun 31st May
Allegany nature Pilgrimage, Salamanca, NY
The Allegany Nature Pilgrimage is an annual outdoor learning experience. It combines fun with a variety of nature-oriented activities. This traditional weekend of natural history and outdoor education welcomes both the experienced naturalist as well as the inquisitive beginner!   Registration now open. Early-bird prices in effect until April 24th. 
 For more information please visit

Camp Allegany, Allegany State Park, Allegany State Park, Salamanca, NY 14779
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Sat 30th May
Town Wide Garage Sale, Bradford, Pa
Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Sat 30th May
to Sun 31st May
Sports, Recreation & Fitness Expo, Olean, NY
May 30 from 10 am to 4 pm and
May 31 from 10 am to 3 pm.

Check out the vendors, take in a seminar, test out products with demos and pick up some cool tips at this show. For more information call 716-372-4433 or email info@oleanny.com... visit www.facebook.com/oleannysportshow
Good Times Events Center, 800 E. State Street, Olean, NY 14760
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Fri 5th Jun
to Sun 7th Jun
Gus Macker, Olean, NY
June 5 from 4 to 8 pm
June 6 from 8 to 6 pm
June 7 from 8 to 4 pm

A basketball community festival with three-on-three play for all ages, music, food and fun. For more information call 716-372-4433 or email info@oleanny.com... visit Facebook.com/gusmackeroleanny
Delaware Avenue & North Union Street, Delaware Ave & N Union St, Olean, NY 14760, USA
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Fri 5th Jun
12:00 pm
10:00 pm
Stolean, Olean, NY
Event goers are able to saunter, amble, wander and walk the streets throughout the Olean, NY, area and enjoy food, music, fine arts, classic cars and fun for all ages. This event is free.

For more information call 716-372-4433 or email info@oleanny.com or visit: www.oleanny.com
Olean, NY 14760, USA
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Sat 6th Jun
10:00 am
to Sun 7th Jun
4:00 pm
Herb & Fiber Festival, Cooksburg, PA
There will be hanging baskets, bedding flats, perennials, annuals, garden artists and herbs. Stop down on Saturday for there annual "Soup at the Sawmill" luncheon. Starting at 11:30, you receive a handmade pottery soup bowl ( which is yours to keep) homemade soup, bread, dessert and a drink for $12. 
For more information please call: 814-927-6655
Or visit: 
Cook Forest Sawmill Center for the Arts, 140-170 Theatre Lane, Cooksburg, PA 16217
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Thu 18th Jun
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Battle Philippine Sea, Eldred, PA
Presented by Steve Appleby. Doors open at 6:30 pm, the program begins at 7 pm. Free to the public.

For more information call (814) 225-2220
 or email info@eldredpaww2museum.com
Eldred World War II Museum, 201 Main St, Eldred, PA 16731
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Sat 20th Jun
Holiday Valley Mudslide, Ellicottville, NY

The Holiday Valley Mudslide is a mud run that's really, really FUN. Be sure to join them on June 20, 2020, for the ninth annual Mudslide!  

For more information please call716.699.2345
Or visit:www.holidayvalley.com/.....lide/ 
6557 Holiday Valley Rd, Ellicottville, NY 14731
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Sun 21st Jun
5:00 pm
8:30 pm
World Day of Music, Bradford, PA
A fun, festival-style event for all to enjoy. Enjoy various performances of different genres of music, hands-on workshops, drum and ukulele circles, instruments for children to try, musical supply vendors, raffles, and local food vendors. Free admission.

More info: www.bradfordpa.org
Main Street, Main St, Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Wed 24th Jun
to Fri 26th Jun
Jeep Jamboree USA, Bradford
Be part of the excitement of off-road driving in the beautiful Allegheny National Forest.
For more information call: 530-333-2550
University of Pittsburgh, Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Thu 25th Jun
to Sat 27th Jun
23rd Penns Woods Jeep Jamboree, Bradford
 All trail levels have a variety of hills to climb, mud to traverse, and rocks to negotiate. Nearby are oil history museums and the remains of the Kinzua Train Viaduct once considered the eighth wonder of the world. Also of interest is a new World War II museum in nearby Eldred. Come see for yourself all Penn’s Woods and Pennsylvania have to offer!
For more information please visit
University of Pittsburgh, Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701
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Sat 27th Jun
10:00 am
5:00 pm
Virtual Art in the Wilds , Kane, PA

Virtual -ART IN THE WILDS ART SHOW 2020- Click the link below to browse for your own piece of fine art created here in the mountains of PA. As you explore the artisan tents, when you see something you like, need or want, connect directly with the artisan to purchase. www.artinthewilds.org/2020-virtual-show.html

Online Show will be Open for Shopping from June 1 to Sept 7, 2020
(Virtual Show this year due to COVID-19- Next year they will be back at Evergreen Park, Kane, PA- June 26 & 27, 2021

For more information, call (814) 837-7167 
visit artinthewilds.org or email artinthewilds.kane.pa@gmail.com.
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Sun 28th Jun
10:00 am
4:00 pm
Virtual Art in the Wilds, Kane, PA

Virtual -ART IN THE WILDS ART SHOW 2020- Click the link below to browse for your own piece of fine art created here in the mountains of PA. As you explore the artisan tents, when you see something you like, need or want, connect directly with the artisan to purchase. www.artinthewilds.org/2020-virtual-show.html

Online Show will be Open for Shopping from June 1 to Sept 7, 2020
(Virtual Show this year due to COVID-19- Next year they will be back at Evergreen Park, Kane, PA- June 26 & 27, 2021

For more information, call (814) 837-7167 visit artinthewilds.org or email artinthewilds.kane.pa@gmail.com.
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Sat 4th Jul
PA Fish-For-FREE Days. Pennsylvania
Fish-for-Free Days allow anyone (resident or non-resident) to legally fish on Pennsylvania waterways on the designated days with NO FISHING LICENSE REQUIRED (Trout/Salmon and Lake Erie permits are also NOT required). All other fishing regulations still apply.  

For more information please visit:
Pennsylvania Waterways,
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Fri 10th Jul
Relay For Life of McKean County, Bradford
The sooner you get started, the more money you can raise. The more money you raise, the more incentive prizes you earn. So register early and get ready for a great fundraising season.  

For more information please call: 404-653-8076
Or Visit:
University of Pittsburgh, Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701
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Sat 11th Jul
7:30 am
8:30 am
Bird Walks, Mt. Jewett
Take a stroll around the park looking for our fine, feathered friends! Watch the turkey vultures soar above and listen to the songbirds! Limit to 5 participants. Social distancing will be practiced.
For more information please call: 814-778-5467
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740,
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Mon 13th Jul
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
Chamber Golf Classic
The classic features corporate and community member teams playing for bragging rights and a traveling trophy. This scramble format golf tournament features a 2 putt rule, no handicaps, no mulligans and a putting contest. For more information call 716-372-4433 or visit www.oleanny.com
Bartlett Country Club, 32 Euclid Ave, Olean, NY 14760, USA
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Thu 16th Jul
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
USS Indianapolis is Sunk by Japanese Submarine, Eldred WWII Museum
Presented by Steve Appleby. Doors open at 6:30 pm and program begins at 7 pm. This presentation is free to the public.

For more information call (814) 225-2220 or email info@eldredpaww2museum.com
Eldred World War II Museum, 201 Main St, Eldred, PA 16731, USA
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Fri 24th Jul
to Sun 26th Jul
Allegany Mountain Engine Implement Assoc. 42nd Annual Show & Demonstration, Port Allegany, PA
Featured items this year are Buffalo drilling Unit Model DE Quilting. There will be Vendors & Flea marketers are invited to sign up. 
Please contact pcass@pioneercsd.org
Or call 716-535-2736
Club Grounds, 1 mile South on Route 155, Port Allegany, PA 16743
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Sat 25th Jul
Encore Drive-In Nights, Kane
Tickets for Encore Drive-In Nights presents Blake Shelton with Very Special Guests Gwen Stefani and Trace Adkins are on sale now!

The all-new, one-night-only concert feature was filmed exclusively for drive-in theaters across North America. From the safety of your vehicle, you get a night out to enjoy a cinematic concert experience under the summer sky. 
For more info please call:  (814) 837-9760 
Or visit
Family Drive In Theatre, 6627 US-6, Kane, PA 16735
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Sat 25th Jul
7:00 pm
9:00 pm
Kinzua Half Marathon, Mt. Jewett
The 2020 Kinzua Half Marathon and 10k will occur on Saturday, July 25th, and Sunday, July 26th with SIGNIFICANT CHANGES in order to meet CDC and Pennsylvania State COVID-19 health guidelines for mass gatherings. 
For more info please visit: 
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740,
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Sun 26th Jul
8:00 am
12:00 pm
Kinzua Half Marathon & 10k, Mt. Jewett
The 2020 Kinzua Half Marathon and 10k will occur on Saturday, July 25th, and Sunday, July 26th with SIGNIFICANT CHANGES in order to meet CDC and Pennsylvania State COVID-19 health guidelines for mass gatherings. 
For more info please visit: 
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740,
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Sun 26th Jul
11:00 am
5:00 pm
Taste of Olean | Art in the Park, Olean, NY
Get something to eat at the Taste of Olean while being entertained with live performances. Tour the tent galleries and talk with the artists. Swim or skate for free and loads more. Admission is free.

For more information call 716-372-4433 or email info@oleanny.com or visit www.oleanny.com
War Veterans Park, 551 E State St, Olean, NY 14760, USA
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Sat 1st Aug
Nature Walk on General Kane Trail, Kane
Join us for a one - mile Nature Walk. See Wildflowers and other nature while walking on the easy to moderate General Kane trail. Dress according to the weather. We are participating in social distancing. Call the office ahead to sign up at 814-778-5467
Or visit: 
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740
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Sat 1st Aug
7:15 am
8:45 am
Morning Bird Walks, Kane
Bring your own binoculars to look for birds and plan on hiking around the park and out on the Bridge! Meet in front of the Visitor Center. 
 For more info please call: 814-778-5467
or visit
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740
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