Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau | ![]() |
Fri 28th Oct to Wed 30th Nov | Children’s Storybook Trail at Lillibridge In America, nothing cries out “Autumn is Here!” louder than the pumpkin! This gorgeous gourd acts as an ambassador to both of our beloved fall holidays, Halloween and Thanksgiving. To share in the celebration of our great friend the pumpkin, visit us at the Lillibridge Property for a new storybook adventure along our Storybook Reading Trail. Read the children’s book It’s A Pumpkin! __on the Interpretive Trail ( Griffin’s Way– an easy, .36 mi round trip trail) as you walk through our old growth forest. The storybook pages are held in place by our gentle giants as you pass by. The book will be available beginning Friday, October 28th through Wednesday, November 30th. The Lillibridge Property is located at 1974 Lillibridge Road, Portville, NY. We would love for you to share pictures and let us know how you enjoyed your visit by e-mailing naturalist@ Pfeiffer Nature Center Lillibridge Property, 1974 Lillibridge Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Thu 24th Nov 10:00 am 1:00 pm | 11th Annual Kane Turkey Trot 5K for Thanksgiving The 11th annual Kane Turkey Trot 5K will beheld at 10:00 am on Thanksgiving morning. The event benefits the KaneFood Pantry. The fun run and walk will start and finish onWest Hemlock Ave. near the Kane School District offices. Event sponsors,Ned and Lynda Karger, have announced that in keeping with tradition this willagain be a no registration fee, no t-shirt, no age groups, no trophies event. Times will be recorded. In lieu of an entry fee, participantsare asked to bring a donation of cash or non-perishable food items for the KaneArea Food Pantry. This year, unvaccinated runners and walkersare asked to wear a mask if congregating prior to the run. TheKargers appreciate all of the support for this event over the years. Records are not available for the first few years of the event but injust the past 6 years, the Kane Turkey Trot has raised $2050 and donated over775 food items to the Kane Food Pantry. This will be a “rain or shine” event with fun,fellowship and a chance to burn a few extra calories before the bigThanksgiving feast. Water and the traditional mimosas will be servedafter the event. Many local families and visitors from out of town havemade the Kane Turkey Trot a Thanksgiving tradition in Kane. | |
Fri 25th Nov 11:00 am 7:00 pm | Flickerwood's Black Friday Holiday Open House, Kane Taste, Shop & Dine at Flickerwood. Holiday Drink Specials! Discount on wine! Holiday products on sale! Design a holiday ornament. For more information call 814-837-7566 Or visit Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Fri 25th Nov 5:00 pm 6:30 pm | Santa Parade & Light Up Night Join us for a night of Holiday Fun and Festivities beginning with Lighting up Evergreen Park at 5pm. Then the Santa Parade on Fraley Street beginning at 5:30 and ending at the SMP Lot for the lighting of our Christmas Tree! We will have Carolers, Christmas Cookies and Music for the whole Family to enjoy! Lets kick of the Holiday season right in Kane! Phone:814-837-6565 There will be music and hot chocolate and, of course Santa. Maybe the Grinch will be there, too? Click here if you want to enter a float or truck or walk in the Santa Parade. North Fraley Street, N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Fri 25th Nov 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sat 26th Nov | Shop Small Saturday, Bradford Shop local! Our merchants offer unique gift items for everyone on your list. Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 26th Nov 9:30 am 5:00 pm | Shop Small Saturday Kane Join us for Shop Small Saturday to kick offthe Holiday Season! Stop by the Chamber office to pick up your Swag bagwith goodies and coupons and head out and get some shopping done! We willhave the incentives like we did last year, so save your receipts and bring themin to the Chamber for a prize 🙂 The Chamber of Commerce office will be open from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. to give away Shop Small swag bags filled with local goodies and coupons. Bring in your receipts from local shopping on this day and get prizes if you spend $150+! (Reminder, the Chamber is located at the Six&Kane Building.) If you are a business who wants to donate swag for the bags or an incentive to give away to someone who spends $150+ on this Saturday, let us know! Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sat 26th Nov 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sun 27th Nov 11:00 am 4:00 pm | MUSEUM STORE SUNDAY, Bradford Museum Store Sunday at the Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center is the most exciting shopping day of the year with special discounts, giveaways, fun, and surprises for the whole family. It is your opportunity to find a unique and quality gift for your loved ones! For more information call: 814-362-7990 or visit The Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center, 2 Marilyn Horne Way, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sun 27th Nov 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Tue 29th Nov 7:00 pm 9:00 pm | A Very Electric Christmas Nov. 29 – A Very Electric Christmas, 7: p.m.,Bromeley Family Theater, Blaisdell Hall, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.Lightwire Theater has designed a magical and captivating story of family,friendship and hope set to timeless holiday hits, including those by Nat KingCole, Mariah Carey and Tchaikovsky. $10 for public. For tickets, call 814-362-5113,visit orvisit the Bromeley Family Theater Box Office in Blaisdell Hall from 11:30 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Fri 2nd Dec 4:00 pm 7:00 pm | Cocktails at Christmas at Kane Manor Inn Come and enjoy the fully decorated Kane Manor Inn with beer, wine, mixed drinks, charcuterie and more. Kane Manor Inn, 230 Clay St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Fri 2nd Dec 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Fri 2nd Dec 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Shop Late with the Grinch, Kane Stop into Kane to shop local for the holidays with the grinch and enjoy some holiday spirits. PS- The Chamber office will be open Friday night and on Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. for you to purchase Kane ornaments, Kane Gift Certificates, and/or 50/50 tickets. For more information Call 814-837-6565 Or visit Downtown, Kane PA | |
Fri 2nd Dec 6:00 pm 7:30 pm | Christmas Parade, Bradford The Annual Christmas Parade will return to Main Street with a start time of 6 pm and line up at 5 pm. Line-up will take place on Chestnut Street turning into Best Western Parking Lot. We will contact all participants the week prior with the line-up order and more details. The application can be found at the Chamber office or by emailing The deadline for registration forms will be November 22, 2022. For more information call 814-368-7115 Or visit: www.bradfordareachambe.....arade Main Street, Bradford, PA | |
Sat 3rd Dec 12:00 pm 4:00 pm | KECA’s Christmas Fair An event for the whole herd to enjoy! There will be games, prizes, make & take crafts, Christmas movies, refreshments, sales and much more to enjoy! 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 3rd Dec 3:00 pm 7:00 pm | Christmas at Olmstead Annual Christmas Open House at Olmsted. You and your family are invited to come and see the Manor House and grounds decorated for the season, enjoy some live music and Christmas cookies, and spend time celebrating the birth of Christ together. All are welcome! For more information call 814-945-6512 or visit Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333, USA | |
Sat 3rd Dec 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sun 4th Dec 1:00 pm 3:00 pm | Wreath making Class Wreath making class from 1pm-3pm and all you can eat brunch11am-3pm! Call to reserve your seat at 814-368-6415 and call to reserve brunch at 814-368-6159. Cost is $55 per person and will vary based on items chosen. Make a wreath, tree, or centerpiece! Pennhills Club, Pennhills Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sun 4th Dec 2:00 pm 3:30 pm | Christmas Celebration Music at the Thomas L. Kane Memorial Chapel Grace Notes Studio and Kane Historic Preservation Society presents a concert of holiday favorites to celebrate the season performed by professional singers and musicians. Admission is a donation at the door. 30 Chestnut St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sun 4th Dec 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | PA Hibernators Hibernation is an important process that some animals need to survive the winter. Learn about hibernation and what animals in Pennsylvania are true hibernators- there are only a few and they may surprise you! 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sun 4th Dec 3:00 pm 7:00 pm | Christmas at Olmsted, Ludlow Olmsted is excited to once again host the annual Christmas Open House at Olmsted. You and your family are invited to come and see the Manor House and grounds decorated for the season, enjoy some live music and Christmas cookies, and spend time celebrating the birth of Christ together. All are welcome! **Please note that masks are required for all visitors while indoors. For more information call 814-945-6512 Or visit Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333 | |
Sun 4th Dec 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Fri 9th Dec | Christmas Celebration with the Kane Historical Preservation Society Live music by Two Can Jam! All are welcome. 1 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Fri 9th Dec 12:00 pm 2:00 pm | UPB Advent Recital - James Kealey The Annual Advent and Christmas Organ Recital on the Sarah B. Dorn Organ in Harriett B. Wick Chapel returns this year at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. James Kealey, an internationally acclaimed organist and doctoral candidate at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y., will play at noon Dec. 9. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Fri 9th Dec 4:00 pm 7:30 pm | Horse and Carriage Rides in Evergreen Park Horse and carriage rides around Evergreen Park (available from 4-7:30 p.m. with advanced registration*). *NOTE: Thanks to generous sponsorship from an anonymous donor named "Father Christmas," Bradford Regional Airport, and Dyne Excavating, carriage rides are free for the public! Registration is required. TO REGISTER, call the Chamber between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on November 15th to pick your time. No messages will get you a spot, you must talk with a live person. First come, first served. Evergreen Park, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Fri 9th Dec 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Shop Late with Santa, Cookies & Cocoa! Kane "December 9th, 5-8 p.m.- Shop Late Night: Cookies, Cocoa & Santa! Participating businesses will be open until 8 p.m giving away some sweet treats! Santa will be popping into shops uptown! PS- The Chamber office will be open Friday night and on Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. for you to purchase Kane ornaments, Kane Gift Certificates, and/or 50/50 tickets. For more information Call 814-837-6565 Or visit Downtown Kane, PA 16735 | |
Fri 9th Dec 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sat 10th Dec 8:00 am 3:00 pm | Old Fashioned Christmas, Bradford Breakfast with Santa, horse-drawn carriage rides, Christmas music, store specials & more. Main Street, Main St, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 10th Dec 11:00 am 4:00 pm | Marilyn Horne-Old Fashioned Christmas, Bradford Old Fashioned Christmas with the American Caroling Company and Artisan Marketplace at the Marilyn Horne Museum for one day only! Carolers will be from 12:00pm-3:00pm and the marketplace will be from 11:00am-4:00pm. Free Admission! The Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center, 2 Marilyn Horne Way, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 10th Dec 12:00 pm 2:00 pm | Elk Country Escape Room Escape rooms are all the rage these days and our staff has designed their own! Think you have what it takes to escape. In this free escape room, our elk biologist Molly Werner has gone missing, and we need you to help search her office for clues to her whereabouts. The program will run every half hour from 12-2pm and is free of charge. You can pre-register by emailing or by calling 814-787-5173 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 10th Dec 3:30 pm 8:00 pm | Winter Wine Walk, Bradford The Winter Wine Walk pairs PA wineries with our unique Historic Downtown Bradford businesses and makes holiday shopping less stressful with our free porter service. The Wine walk is Saturday December 10th from 3:30–8:00. Time slots for starting will be half hour increments from 3:30-5:30! Tickets will be PRESALE ONLY! Tickets go on sale NOVEMBER 5! In person at Michelle's Flair for Hair and online at Main Street, Main St, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 10th Dec 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sat 10th Dec 7:00 pm 8:30 pm | Holiday Bingo Night with Rick Z Play BINGO with us during the Holiday Season. $10.00 person to play! Great prizes! Music Rounds, Specialty Rounds & Money Rounds. Call 814-837-7566 to make your reservations. $10.00 to reserve a table. (If you attend, this deposit will be used as your player fee.) Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sun 11th Dec 12:00 pm 2:00 pm | Christmas Craft Members of St. Mary’s Area High School Ecology Club will be hosting a craft workshop creating handmade, outdoor inspired ornaments. These ornaments will be packaged and ready for decorating the perfect gift for the outdoor enthusiast on your list. The ornaments being prepared are a birdseed cookie cutter, a wood cookie stencil, a cone reindeer, or a twig and ribbon tree. 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sun 11th Dec 1:00 pm 3:00 pm | Holiday Corks and Crafts Create a dough-bowl centerpiece, try a holiday wine or specialty cocktail, and shop in our gift shop! Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sun 11th Dec 3:00 pm 7:00 pm | Christmas at Olmsted, Ludlow Olmsted is excited to once again host the annual Christmas Open House at Olmsted. You and your family are invited to come and see the Manor House and grounds decorated for the season, enjoy some live music and Christmas cookies, and spend time celebrating the birth of Christ together. All are welcome! **Please note that masks are required for all visitors while indoors. For more information call 814-945-6512 Or visit Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333 | |
Sun 11th Dec 3:00 pm 7:00 pm | Holiday Art and Music Art and music holiday celebration with drawings and paintings available for purchase by Denise Drummond, live music, and food/drinks! Westline Inn, 1 Westline Rd, Westline, PA 16740, USA | |
Sun 11th Dec 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Wed 14th Dec | Merry and Bright with Denver & The Mile High Orchestra at the Kane First United Methodist Church No Entry Fee – Free-Will Offering – If you like Big Band Music put this one on your calendar! Doors open at 6pm and show starts at 7pm First United Methodist Church, 112 Greeves St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Fri 16th Dec 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Fri 16th Dec 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Shop Late Homebased Businesses, Kane PS- The Chamber office will be open Friday night and on Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. for you to purchase Kane ornaments, Kane Gift Certificates, and/or 50/50 tickets. For more information Call 814-837-6565 Or visit Downtown, Kane, PA | |
Sat 17th Dec 12:00 pm 1:00 pm | Elk Explanations New to learning about elk? Join us for the basic breakdown as we learn about elk history, elk ecology, and elk behavior. Are you a seasoned “Elkspert?” We bet you’ll learn something new, too! Have burning questions about elk? Wondering how elk are managed? Perhaps you have a question on their favorite foods or habit? Maybe you’d like to know how long they live or when calving season is? Join our staff at the Elk Country Visitor Center to find the answers to these questions and more! 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 17th Dec 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sat 17th Dec 7:00 pm 8:00 pm | Holiday Bingo Night Holiday Bingo Night with Rick! Sat. Dec. 17th - 7pm Flickerwood Wine Cellars Call 814-837-7566 to save your seats. Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sun 18th Dec 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Bald Eagles Enjoy an informative PowerPoint on these majestic birds of prey, which have made a comeback to our area. Learn about their unique physiology, life cycles, and migratory patterns as you appreciate this Pennsylvania Conservation success story. 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sun 18th Dec 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Thu 22nd Dec 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Fri 23rd Dec 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sat 24th Dec 9:00 am 12:00 pm | Elk Basics New to learning about elk? Join us for the basic breakdown as we learn about elk history, elk ecology and elk behavior. Are you a seasoned “Elkspert?” We bet you’ll learn something new too! 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 31st Dec | First Night Bradford, Bradford A $5 button will give you free admission into any of our venues that will be listed in our program. For more information visit Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 31st Dec 9:00 am 12:00 pm | Deer Family “Moose, Elk, Caribou, and Whitetail Oh My!” The Deer family has quite a few members! Join our staff as we learn about the elk and their many cousins that live in North America. You are sure to learn something new along the way! 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 31st Dec 9:00 pm 12:30 am | Mad Dog 159 Presents Kane's 2nd Annual New Year's Star Drop Come out to our second annual New Years celebration! This event is BYOB and we will be giving away a ton of prizes, including 50-inch Smart TV, 14-inch Laptop, hundreds of dollars in gift cards. Click here for all of the information about how to enter to win. We will be doing a Star Drop and count down at midnight so dress warm and come prepared for tons of fun! Mad Dog 159, 159 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sun 1st Jan 12:00 pm 1:00 pm | First Day Hike Start the New Year healthy! Visit the park for a First Day Hike on the General Kane Trail! The trail is an approximate 1.5 mile easy rated trail. Dress in layers for the weather and wear appropriate shoes/boots. Part of the trail is open to hunting, so please wear an orange vest and hat. Meet in the Overflow Parking Lot. In case of inclement weather, call the park office for cancellation information at: (814) 778-5467. 296 Viaduct Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Tue 17th Jan to Tue 31st Jan | Artist-in-Residence Program – Call for Artists expression through an artist-in-residence program that seeks to tell the stories of the forest during the 2023 Allegheny National Forest Centennial and beyond. About the residency • As a pilot of the program one residency opportunity of two weeks will be offered during January 17 – 31, 2023, in Allegheny National Forest. We hope to continue the program by offering one residency during the spring, summer, and autumn of 2023. • Program goals: o Provide learning opportunities for the public o Help our local communities explore the connections between public lands, nature, our use of natural resources, and our emotional ties to natural beauty through self- expression. For more info: Website: Sheffield, PA 16347, USA More info: Event attachment | |
Sat 21st Jan | Winter Fun Day Visit Kinzua Bridge State Park on Saturday, January 21, 2023 for “Winter Fun Day”! Celebrate some of the activities that can be done outside! This year is our sled dog demonstration is back! The sled dogs are younger and are in training for all of us to watch! Some of the mushers are younger and are also in training! Join us for this exciting event! They will run snow or no snow. Along with the sled dogs there will be other demonstrations such as winter biking! Learn to snowshoe, cross country ski and have fun! Come out and visit! Local Boy Scouts will be selling hot dogs and hot chocolate to help keep you warm! Wear appropriate footwear and dress for the weather. Meet on the west side of the building near the bridge. For more information, please contact Kinzua Bridge State Park Complex Office at (814) 778-5467 or e-mail us at . Visit DCNR’s website directly at . Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740, USA | |
Sat 21st Jan 12:00 pm 4:00 pm | Marilla Winter Trek, Bradford For more information visit or visit Marilla Reservoir, PA 346(West of Bradford, PA) | |
Sat 4th Feb 9:00 am 4:00 pm | 44th Annual Tony Dolan Ski for Cancer, Westline This community event is the longest running American Cancer Society event in the state of Pennsylvania where participants can ski, hike, or use snowshoes on the Kinzua Valley Trail - which is about 4.5 miles long and is located adjacent to the Westline Inn. Any person can participate, as an individual or as part of a team. For more information call 814-203-7848 or visit . Historic Westline Inn, 1 Westline Road (3 miles off of Route 219), Westline, PA 16751 | |
Fri 10th Feb 8:00 am 7:00 pm | The Perfect Valentine's Gift, Kane Laughing Owl Press has put together the perfect gift package from local vendors that will make your sweetie swoon. The fee is $45. For more information visit The Laughing Owl Press Company, 59 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Sat 11th Feb 6:00 pm 9:00 pm | Date Night with Breanna Blankenship, Bradford Treat your special someone to a unique and delicious experience. For one night only, you can try out their Beer Flight and Charcuterie Board Pairing special. For more information visit Or call 814-368-3137 Bradford Brew Station, 104 Chestnut St, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 11th Feb 7:00 pm 10:00 pm | Wine, Moonshine & Bon Fire night, Kane Join us for our First Annual Wine, Shine, and Fire Date Night ( and maybe a little snow??) on Sat. Feb. 11th from 7 pm - 10 pm. Dress in warm clothes and bring blankets to snuggle around our bonfire, have some wine or moonshine and enjoy a bite to eat. | |
Sun 12th Feb 12:00 pm 5:00 pm | Valentines Day at Twisted Vine, Kane Twisted Vine is happy to announce for their first Valentine's Day, they will be offering hand-dipped Long Step strawberries & wine boxes for sale. There will also be Strawberries with the milk chocolate drizzle. The cut-off for orders will be Wednesday, February 8th at 8 PM. For more information call 814-837-8298 Twisted Vine Winery & Eatery, 117 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Tue 14th Feb 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Happy Valentines Day, Lewis Run Happy Valentines Day from the folks at the Runway Bar and Grill! Make your Valentine's Day reservation now! Call 814-362-4836 Bradford Regional Airport, 212 Airport Rd, Lewis Run, PA 16738 | |
Tue 14th Feb 5:30 pm 7:00 pm | Valentine's Evening Walk, Mt. Jewett Looking to dosomething different for that special someone? Visit the park for a romantic walkout on the Kinzua Bridge. Meet in front of the Visitor Center, west endof the building at 5:30 p.m. Afterwards enjoy some hot chocolate or coffee andsome conservation chat in the Kinzua Bridge State Park Visitor CenterClassroom! Enjoy a tour through the exhibits after walking out on the “Bridgeas well! Dress according to the weather.Let us know you’re visiting by registering at (814) 778-5467 so we can have thehot chocolate ready! It’s free! For more information, please contact KinzuaBridge State Park Visitor Center and Park Office at (814) 778-5467 or e-mail usat Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740 | |
Thu 16th Feb 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Valentine's Day Dinner for 2, Kane Valentine’s Day Dinner for 2 Appetizer: Small Charcuterie Board for 2 2 Glasses of Sparkling Wine Entree: Homemade stuffed shells with meat and red sauce, side salad, and garlic toast Dessert to share: Homemade Mama Z’s Chocolate Cream Pie $54.00 per couple plus tax Call 814-837-7566 to make reservations. Payment is due when you make your reservations! Or visit Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Sat 18th Feb 11:30 am 2:30 pm | Snowman in the Forest, Cooksburg An annual family event featuring winter activities such as skating, sledding, carriage rides, hiking, visit from Smokey Bear, a chili cook-off, and happy dog contest and more! For more information call: 412-353-9620 or visit: href=""></a> Cook Forest State Park (Office), 113 River Rd, Cooksburg, PA 16217, USA | |
Wed 22nd Feb 6:00 pm 8:00 pm | The Art of Fly Fishing with Chase Howard, Kane Explore the art fly tying at the LOPCo Big Table with Chase Howard. All tools and materials provided. Bring your own fish stories. The fee is $40. To sign up visit The Laughing Owl Press Company, 59 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Sat 25th Feb 5:30 pm 7:30 pm | 80's Themed Beer & Wine Fest This year's event is an 80s theme. Come dressed in your best 80s impression, and dust out your 80s attire or costume to be entered to win!! A list of Beverages available at the event will be coming soon. Food by Surly Mustache will be available at the parking lot for purchase. Tickets are $25/person or 2 for $45 GET YOUR TICKETS NOW For more info visit www.bradfordareachambe.....-fest St Bernards Catholic Church, 95 E Corydon St, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Fri 3rd Mar to Sun 5th Mar | Prayer Retreat, Ludlow "Meditate Like Jesus" is the theme for this late winter retreatfocused on quiet time, stillness, connection, and prayer. Growcloser to God as you commune with others and explore the waysJesus personally sought time away. For more information call 814-945-6512 or visit Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333 | |
Sat 4th Mar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Basics New to learning about elk? Join us for the basic breakdown as we learn about elk history, elk ecology, and elk behavior. Are you a season "Elkspert?" We bet you'll learn something new too! Any questions please email, call 814 787-5167, or visit our website at Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sun 5th Mar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Maple Syrup Have you ever wondered how maple syrup was made? Or have you ever wondered where it came from? If you answered yes to either one of these questions then you should come to the Elk Country Visitor Center. Mike Wittman, a local expert, with 40 years of experience will lead us through the process. You will see how the sap is collected and learn many interesting facts. Any questions please email, call 814 787-5167, or visit our website at Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Mon 6th Mar 6:00 pm 7:00 pm | Full Moon Walk We invite persons of all ages to participate in this forest ranger-led program. During the walk, participants will explore the Moon, life in the forest, and how they are connected. We recommend that participants wear appropriate hiking or winter boots and clothing; prepare for the weather by dressing in layers. A limited number of flashlights will be available, and participants are welcome to bring their own. Participants should meet at the Timberdoodle Flats Interpretive Trailhead, located off Route 59, no later than 5:50 pm. Plan to walk approximately ¾ mile. For questions about the Full Moon Walk, please call the Bradford Ranger District Office at 814- 363-6000. Timberdoodle Flats Interpretive Trailhead, located off Route 59 | |
Fri 10th Mar to Sun 12th Mar | Winter Mardi Gras, Ellicottville, NY You’re invited to Ellicottville’s annual celebration of the last days of the ski season, Winter Carnival and the Mardi Gras parade. For more information please call: 716-699-5046/800-349-9099 or visit: Ellicottville, NY | |
Sat 11th Mar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Explanations New to learning about elk? Join us for the basic breakdown as we learn about elk history, elk ecology, and elk behavior. Are you a seasoned "Elkspert?" We bet you'll learn something new, too! Have burning questions about elk? Wondering how elk are managed? Perhaps you have a question on their favorite foods or habit? Maybe you'd like to know how long they live or when calving season is? Join our staff at the Elk Country Visitor Center to find the answers to these questions and more! Any questions please email, call 814 787-5167, or visit our website at Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sun 12th Mar 1:00 pm 3:00 pm | St. Patrick's Day Paint and Sip Join us on Sunday, March 12th from 1-3pm for a St. Patrick’s Day Paint and Sip. This class is instructed by Sam Mehalko. Tickets are $45 per person and include your project and supplies along with a wine flight. Tickets are non-refundable or transferable. This event will be held in Wilcox, PA. Must be 21+. Any additional questions please see our website at or call us 814-929-5598. Winery At Wilcox, 1867 Mefferts Run Rd, Wilcox, PA 15870, USA | |
Sun 12th Mar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Cool Clovers Clovers are a unique and useful plant that is so common you probably have it growing in your backyard right now. It is also a favorite food of elk! You may even know it as its holiday name "Shamrock!" What you may not know is how it got that name in the first place or its amazing abilities to heal the environment! Any questions please email, call 814 787-5167, or visit our website at Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 18th Mar 10:00 am 4:00 pm | NYS Maple Weekends at Sprague's Maple Farms Weather permitting our evaporators will be operating at the authentic old-fashioned sugarhouse along with tree tapping demonstrations, demonstrations on how our Native Americans made maple syrup, there will be sugar on snow, our maple cake donuts, wagon rides to the sugarhouse, and activities for the kids. Saturday March 18th and 19th from 10am - 4pm. For more information please see our webpage at or call us at 716-933-6637 or 1-800-446-2753. Sprague's Maple Farms, 1048 Portville-Obi Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sat 18th Mar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | PGC Tom Keller "Introduction of Pine Marten" Did you hear about the Pine Marten and its possible reintroduction to Pennsylvania? If you have, and would like to know more, then come down to the Elk Country Visitor Center! The Keystone Elk Country Alliance is hosting the Pennsylvania Game Commission's furbearer biologist, Tom Keller, and his talk on the Pine Marten reintroduction. It will be highly informative and will be an amazing opportunity to learn and witness new, wildlife history in the making. Any questions please email, call 814 787-5167, or visit our website at Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 18th Mar 7:00 pm 9:00 pm | Jay Leno: Live at the Seneca Allegany Casino See Jay Leno Live at the Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino. For more information please see our website at, call us at 1(877)-873-6322. Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino, 777 Seneca Allegany Blvd, Salamanca, NY 14779, USA | |
Sun 19th Mar 10:00 am 4:00 pm | NYS Maple Weekends at Sprague's Maple Farms Weather permitting our evaporators will be operating at the authentic old-fashioned sugarhouse along with tree tapping demonstrations, demonstrations on how our Native Americans made maple syrup, there will be sugar on snow, our maple cake donuts, wagon rides to the sugarhouse, and activities for the kids. Saturday March 18th and 19th from 10am - 4pm. For more information please see our webpage at or call us at 716-933-6637 or 1-800-446-2753. Sprague's Maple Farms, 1048 Portville-Obi Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sun 19th Mar 2:00 pm 4:00 pm | Spring Dough Bowl Class with CDH Designs Our Spring Dough Bowl Class will take place on Sunday, March 19th from 2-4pm. The class will take place in Wilcox, PA and is instructed by Cherie Miller from CDH Designs of Emporium. A drink of your choice is also included. Tickets are non refundable. Must be 21+ to attend. Limited seating is available. Additional questions please see our website at or call us at 814-929-5598. Winery At Wilcox, 1867 Mefferts Run Rd, Wilcox, PA 15870, USA | |
Sun 19th Mar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Deer Family "Moose, Elk, Caribou, and Whitetail Oh My!" The Deer family has quite a few members! Join our staff as we learn about the elk and their many cousins that live in North America. You are sure to learn something new along the way! Any questions please email, call 814 787-5167, or visit our website at Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Thu 23rd Mar 7:00 pm 9:00 pm | Fairytales on Ice Fairytales on Ice Bradford Creative and Performing Arts Bradford Area High School Auditorium March 23 7:00 PM Tickets $40.00, Reserved seating - Student tickets $10 Direct from its sellout tour in Australia, the ice skating spectacular ‘Fairytales on Ice’ is touring the US this year. Delight in the spectacular as award-winning skaters bring your favorite fairy tale characters to life through ice skating, singing, and music! Tickets can be purchased at the door or call 814-362-2522 for reserved seating. Bradford Area High School, 81 Interstate Pkwy, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Fri 24th Mar 7:00 pm 9:00 pm | AN EVENING OF COMEDY WITH PAUL MORRISSEY: ICE CREAM VS EVERYTHING Join the studio audience as comedian Paul Morrissey records his new comedy album live in Jamestown, NY . Paul is known for his many TV appearances on shows like "The Late Show with David Letterman" & "The Late, Late Show” on CBS. He’s written on TV projects for CBS, FOX, and has opened theater tours with comedians Jim Gaffigan and Tom Papa. Choose a 7pm or 9pm showing on March 24th or March 25th. For more information please check out our website at, call us at 716-484-0800 or find us on Facebook at National Comedy Center, 203 W 2nd St, Jamestown, NY 14701, USA | |
Fri 24th Mar 8:00 pm 9:00 pm | Night Sky Program The US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service is offering a free, interpretive night sky program in Allegheny National Forest on Friday, March 24, 2023, from 8:00 to 9:00 pm, at Kinzua Beach off of State Route 59. All ages are invited to participate in this forest ranger-led program. We recommend participants bring a chair or blanket and prepare for the weather. Participants should meet at the Kinzua Beach parking area, located off of State Route 59, no later than 7:50 pm. For questions about the Night Sky Program, call the Bradford Ranger District Office at 814- 363-6000 Kinzua Beach Bridge, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 25th Mar 8:00 am 3:00 pm | Spring Open House at Harley Davidson in Jamestown NY Spring season Open House Event to kick off the Spring riding season. Join us for new rides, accessories, and styles. Event will include Food Trucks, door prizes, dice run, rider reward points and more. For more information check out our website at, call us at 716-484-0113, or check out or Facebook page at Harley-Davidson of Jamestown, 1951 E Main St, Falconer, NY 14733, USA | |
Sat 25th Mar 10:00 am 4:00 pm | NYS Maple Weekend at Sprague's Maple Farms Weather permitting our evaporators will be operating at the authentic old-fashioned sugarhouse along with tree tapping demonstrations, demonstrations on how our Native Americans made maple syrup, there will be sugar on snow, our maple cake donuts, wagon rides to the sugarhouse, and activities for the kids. Saturday March 25th and Sunday March 26th from 10am-4pm. For more information please see our webpage at or call us at 716-933-6637 or 1-800-446-2753 Sprague's Maple Farms, 1048 Portville-Obi Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sat 25th Mar 10:00 am 4:00 pm | Haudenosaunee Spring Art Show Join us for our Spring Art Show 2023. Enjoy a wide range of vendors, NDN auction, frybread contest, & social dancing. For more information please visit our Facebook page at or call the Museum at 716-945-1760 Seneca Iroquois National Museum, 82 W Hetzel St, Salamanca, NY 14779, USA | |
Sat 25th Mar 2:00 pm 4:00 pm | Eddie's on Main - Chef's Table Sunny Side Up - Citrus Season Join the table as we highlight the in season citrus fruit. Oranges, limes, mandarins and lemons.. Oh My! BYOB Reservations required. Call 814-642-5115 or message on Facebook for more information. Port Allegany, PA 16743, USA | |
Sat 25th Mar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Pennsylvania River Otters Join us for an overview of one of our most fascinating furbearers! From the river otter decline to the successful reintroduction in the Keystone state, you will be sure to learn some new information during this program! Any questions please email, call 814 787-5167, or visit our website at Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 25th Mar 6:00 pm 8:00 pm | Eddie's on Main - Chef's Table Sunny Side Up - Citrus Season Join the table as we highlight the in season citrus fruit. Oranges, limes, mandarins and lemons.. Oh My! BYOB Reservations required. Call 814-642-5115 or message on Facebook for more information. Port Allegany, PA 16743, USA | |
Sat 25th Mar 7:00 pm 9:00 pm | AN EVENING OF COMEDY WITH PAUL MORRISSEY: ICE CREAM VS EVERYTHING Join the studio audience as comedian Paul Morrissey records his new comedy album live in Jamestown, NY . Paul is known for his many TV appearances on shows like "The Late Show with David Letterman" & "The Late, Late Show” on CBS. He’s written on TV projects for CBS, FOX, and has opened theater tours with comedians Jim Gaffigan and Tom Papa. Choose a 7pm or 9pm showing on March 24th or March 25th. For more information please check out our website at, call us at 716-484-0800 or find us on Facebook at National Comedy Center, 203 W 2nd St, Jamestown, NY 14701, USA | |
Sun 26th Mar 10:00 am 4:00 pm | NYS Maple Weekend at Sprague's Maple Farms Weather permitting our evaporators will be operating at the authentic old-fashioned sugarhouse along with tree tapping demonstrations, demonstrations on how our Native Americans made maple syrup, there will be sugar on snow, our maple cake donuts, wagon rides to the sugarhouse, and activities for the kids. Saturday March 25th and Sunday March 26th from 10am-4pm For more information please see our webpage at or call us at 716-933-6637 or 1-800-446-2753 Sprague's Maple Farms, 1048 Portville-Obi Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sun 26th Mar 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Walk and Talk Join Staff members as we walk the trails around the Elk Country Visitor Center. Learn many interesting facts about the property and wildlife that often inhabit these fields. We will be covering topics such as what elk eat, where they spend their time, and how each season brings something different. Any questions please email, call 814 787-5167, or visit our website at Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Wed 29th Mar 6:00 pm 8:00 pm | The Art of Fly Fishing with Chase Howard, Kane Explore the art fly tying at the LOPCo Big Table with Chase Howard. All tools and materials provided. Bring your own fish stories. The fee is $40. To sign up visit or call 814-561-1191. The Laughing Owl Press Company, 59 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Wed 29th Mar 7:00 pm 8:30 pm | Chris Mackowski, Ph.D. on Ulysses S. Grant Dr. Mackowski will share excerpts and stories from his book, Grant’s Last Battle, especially how the Civil War General and former president wrote his memoirs while dying of throat cancer. The presentation for the Friends of Hanley Library is on Wednesday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the Wick Chapel. It is free and open to the public. A reception and book signing will follow the presentation. For more information please call the Hanley Library at (814)362-7610. or visit Library, Hanley Building, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Thu 30th Mar 6:00 pm 7:30 pm | PYSANKY WORKSHOP WITH SHANDRA WILSON Join pysanky artist Shandra Wilson to create your own Ukrainian Easter egg. Everything you need will be provided to make your own traditional pysanky. Workshop is limited to a maximum of 12 participants. Museum Assembly Room First Floor, Marilyn Horne Hall 2 Marilyn Horne Way, Bradford, PA Register below. Fee is $25 per person for sign ups or call the Museum at 814-362-7990 The Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center, 2 Marilyn Horne Way, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 1st Apr | Statewide Trout Fishing Opener, PA TROUT SEASON - 2023STATEWIDE OPENING DAYPennsylvania | |
Sat 1st Apr | Kinzua Valley Trout Opener, Westline This trout opener benefits the Kinzua Valley Trail Club. Stop down with your fishing pole for trout and enjoy Ham & Leek, Hot dogs, and Chili. Kinzua Valley Trail Club, 31 CCC Rd, Westline, PA 16740 | |
Sat 1st Apr 9:00 am 12:00 pm | Breakfast with the Easter Bunny & Scavenger Hunt Come Saturday April 1st from 9am to 12pm for breakfast as a family with the Easter Bunny! Visit with the Easter Bunny, participate in a coloring contest, and participate in the Easter egg scavenger hunt! For more information please contact, call (814) 362-7772, or Facebook at Foster Brook Creamery, 9 Derrick Rd, Bradford, PA 16701, USA |