Trail Central™ – Four Seasons of Fun!
Location is everything, they say, and that goes for birding too. More than 200 species of birds can be found in the Forest region, including bald eagles and osprey.
The most common birds found are the ruffed grouse, the state bird of Pennsylvania, and the wild turkey. Buzzard Swamp, south of Kane, is a prime area to view these birds. Other popular sites are Timberdoodle Flats, Tracy Ridge Campground and the Big Bend Overlook just past the Kinzua Dam.
The hard-wood forests are home to such birds as the yellow-bellied sapsucker, winter wren and hermit thrush.The mourning warbler will likely be seen in clear-cut areas. Some of the most common warblers seen here are yellow, chestnut-sided, yellow-rumped, northern parula and bay-breasted.
Bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) are among the largest birds of prey. They may weigh up to 14 pounds and have seven-foot wingspans. Bald eagles are readily identified by their white heads and tails; however, they don’t attain this plumage until five years of age. They nest in large trees near water. Bald eagles have been sighted at the Allegheny Reservoir, Tunungwant Creek, Smethport’s Hamlin Lake, and north of Eldred along the Allegheny River and Oswayo Creek.
An excellent interpretive trail, Timberdoodle Flats, is a 1.4 mile loop trail located along Rt. 59 southwest of Bradford. This trail is named for the American woodcock, also known as the timberdoodle, that uses both the forest and open areas for nesting.
At Tracy Ridge Campground, you might find a northern saw-whet owl from March through July. Cerulean warblers sing in the oak trees along the Tracy Ridge Trail. Other suggested sites for birding are Marilla Reservoir, PA Rt. 346 in the Willow Bay area connecting to NY Rt. 280 along the northern portion of the Allegheny Reservoir, and along Rt. 59 at the new birding overlook at Big Bend past Kinzua Beach.
Birding Tips
Learn More about Birds
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology offers an online Guide to Birdwatching where you can learn about bird ID help, life history, and bird sounds from Cornell All About Birds.
Click here to see if you can identify this bird by its song. Click here to check your answer.
Learn about this and more from the link to All About Birds.
Please note a multi-year project to rehab the skywalk is set to begin in the fall of 2024 and during the project, motor coach groups must call the park in advance to discuss the logistics of their visit.
Participants may explore the park, exhibits on both levels of the visitor center, and visit the gift shop. During the project the Skywalk and Kinzua Creek Trail will be closed, however the observation decks and some of the trails in the park will remain open. Each fall during peak leaf viewing the project is scheduled to be on pause with the skywalk open to visitation. Please contact the park for the most up to date construction schedule.
All guided activities must be scheduled at least 30 days prior to arrival.
Enjoy two nights stay at the Kane Manor Inn and sample the local fare and libations including a $50 voucher at Table 105, Kane’s foremost American bistro, wine tasting/meat and cheese tray at Flickerwood Winery ($15 value) and beer tasting or two full glasses of craft beer at our local Logyard Brewing ($12 value). Kane, PA is Trail Central™ and located on the Knox & Kane Rail Trail (2 blocks from the Inn) and adjacent to numerous trails for hiking, biking and winter sports. The total package is $299.00 plus tax for two adults.
Kane Manor Inn
230 Clay St.
Kane, PA 16735
Lantz Corners Getaway is centrally located to all the great fishing areas. Fishing for Value Package includes one overnight stay and one $10 food & beverage voucher for the Barrelhouse Restaurant – all for only $70.00 plus tax. Phone for reservations at 814-778-5391, and mention the Fishing for Value Package for this special pricing. Extended nights & group pricing also available.
Lantz Corners Getaway and Conference Center
Intersection of Rt. 219 & Rt. 6
2952 Route 219
Kane, PA 16735
Stay 2 nights and get 1 night free. Fee is $140.00 + tax for one person, or two people sharing a room. Walk to the Barrelhouse Restaurant & Pub next door, serving breakfast, lunch & dinner. Spend the evening relaxing around the fire pit. Call for reservations at 814-778-5391, and mention this Fly & Drive package for special pricing!
Lantz Corners Getaway and Conference Center
Intersection of Rt. 219 & Rt. 6
2952 Route 219
Kane, PA 16735
Midweek Adventure Package
Package includes one night lodging at a Holiday Valley Property and a 3 hour Aerial Adventure starting at $249 for two people, midweek, tax included. Packages are available at the Inn at Holiday Valley, the Tamarack Club or a Holiday Valley Rental Management property.
The Inn at Holiday Valley
6081 Route 219 South
Ellicottville, NY 14731
Midweek Golf & Stay Package
Stay at the Inn and enjoy 2 days of golf with 18 holes per day, plus club cleaning and storage, and unlimited range balls at our practice facility. Up to two kids age 17 and under stay free. $549 for 2 nights for 2 adults.
Lodging is available at the course-side Inn at Holiday Valley, the course-side Tamarack Club and area condominiums, townhouses and homes managed by Holiday Valley.
The Inn at Holiday Valley
6081 Route 219 South
Ellicottville, NY 14731
Stay at the Best Western Bradford Inn, located within walking distance of downtown restaurants. Package includes 2 nights lodging, free hot breakfast bar, 4 bottles of bottled water, two ANF decals, and a bag of trail mix. $225.00* for 2 Adults, 2 nights.
* Does not include tax.
Plus Bradford Hiking Package – Bradford, PA
Best Western Bradford Inn
100 S. Davis Street
Bradford, PA 16701
Safety measures of CDC guidelines & PA COVID-19 safety mandates are in place to aid you in traveling safely. Masks are mandatory, as is maintaining 6 feet of social distancing. Many businesses have been impacted by this pandemic, please call ahead to check for changes at your destination before traveling.
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Link for CDC Guidelines
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