Upcoming Events

Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau
Sat 2nd Oct
Flickerwood's First Annual Jeep Run, Kane
Join us as we drive through the Allegheny National Forest and visit some of our favorite places. We will visit Logyard Brewery, CJs Spirits, Paul's Bait Shop, Jake's Rocks, Westine Inn, and the Barrel House. Register your jeep and your Crue' by visiting www.facebook.com/event.....;nbsp;
Check-in will start at 9 am at Flickerwood and we will experience the Alleghenies and roll the dice at each stop. We will then conclude the day back at Flickerwood to announce winners of the Dice Roll and enjoy a Chicken BBQ with drinks on sale at our outside bar.
Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735
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Sat 2nd Oct
8:30 am
9:30 am
Morning Bird Walk, Mt. Jewett
Bring your own binoculars to look for birds and plan on hiking around the park and out on the bridge! It's healthy too! meet in front of the visitors center. 
For more information call 814-778-5467
or visit 
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740
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Sat 2nd Oct
10:00 am
to Sun 3rd Oct
5:00 pm
Annual Gem-Mineral-Fossil Show in Rock City Park by Olean, NY
It's Back! Rock City Park will host its annual Gem-Mineral-Fossil Show this weekend from 10 am to 5 pm. $5 admission includes full show, park pass, and parking, kids 12 and under are FREE! Food, jewelry, rock, and gem vendors will be displaying and selling their wares throughout the course of the weekend.
For more information call: 866-404-7625
Rock City Park, 505 Route 16 South, Olean, NY 14760
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Sat 2nd Oct
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
Elk Basics, Benezette

New to learning about elk, stop in for the basic breakdownas we learn about elk history, elk ecology, and elk behavior. Are you a seasoned“Elkspert?” We bet you’ll learn something new too!

For more information call 814-787-5167

or visit


Elk Country Visitor Center, 950 Winslow Hill Rd, Benezette, PA 15821
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