Upcoming Events

Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau
Wed 23rd Oct
to Fri 25th Oct
"In a Good Light" Fall Photography Playshop, Ludlow, PA
The Goal of the In Good Light Photography
Retreat is to bring together both physical
and spiritual seeing in a way that deepens
We'll playfully look at the world around us and
explore ideas for framing up pictures that have
emotional and visual appeal.
Leader: Retired Butler District Superintendent
and photography enthusiast, Dean D. Ziegler
Arrive and register Oct 23 by 12:15 for lunch.
Schedule (subject to change)
Event Cost: tuition: $94.00 plus room/board:131.00
total Cost: $225.00 (private room additional $20.)
To register e-mail Anne: Anne@olmstedmanor.org
or phone: 814-945-6512 (You may also register
through the Olmsted website www.olmstedmanor.org
Olmstead Manor Retreat Center, PO Box 8, Ludlow, PA 16333
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