Upcoming Events

Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau
Fri 26th Jul
to Sun 28th Jul
Jazz & Blues Weekend, Ellicottville, NY

A Jazz and Blues Weekend in Ellicottville is a boutique experience. Wander through the village and choose from a variety of Jazz and Blues performance areas ranging from restaurants, bars & nightclubs and street-side July 26-28, 2019. Ellicottville has the shops and all the facilities you’d expect in an international class resort!

More info: (800) 349-9099

The VIllage of Ellicottville, Monroe St Ellicottville, NY United States
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Sat 27th Jul
to Sun 28th Jul
Mt. Jewett Sportsmen’s Club Women Training Day
The Women’s Introduction to Wingshooting program is a national shooting program for women and girls, taught by women. The Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS), Allegheny and Upland Bird Hunt Chapters, and the Mt. Jewett Sportsman’s Club are bringing this national program to Pennsylvania once again this summer. Training will be the afternoons of July 27-28 and August 24-25. Women and girls that finish true shooting course will be eligible for an upland bird hunt on September 8th.

Course cost $125/woman.

For more information or registration, contact Brenda Walker at 814-778-4248 or brendawalker@hughes.net
Mount Jewett Sportsman’s Club
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Sun 28th Jul
9:00 am
2:30 pm
Big Smitty Classic, Pine Acres Country Club

In memory of Mark Smith. Benefits Pine Acres course improvements. 18 hole, 4 person teams. Format TBD. Call Pine Acres pro shop to register.

More info: 814-362-2005

Pine Acres Country Club, 1401 W Warren Rd, Bradford, PA 16701, USA
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Sun 28th Jul
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Skull-lock Holmes at the Elk Country Visitors Center
Ever encounter a skull you couldn't identify? Come enjoy this program about how to identify animal skulls. By the end, you will have an excellent idea of how to ID animal skulls and what trick to use to give you a hint about what it may have come from!
950 Winslow Hill Rd, Benezette, PA 15821, USA
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Sun 28th Jul
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
"Critters in the Classroom" at the Kinzua Bridge State Park
Bugs play an important role on the planet. The kids can do a fun bug craft and learn about these cool critters during this event.
296 Viaduct Road, Mt. Jewett, PA
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Mon 29th Jul
9:00 am
to Fri 2nd Aug
12:00 pm
Esports Camp — University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
$69. Ages 15-17. Learn about professional-level game play and explore careers in Esports journalism, web design, and streaming.

For more information or to register, contact University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Continuing Education at 814-362-5078 or contined@pitt.edu or visit www.upb.pitt.edu/continuinged.
Room 236 Swarts Hall, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
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