Upcoming Events

Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau
Thu 17th Sep
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Japanese Surrender Aboard the USS Missouri & VJ Day, Eldred WWII Museum
Presented by Steve Appleby. Doors open at 6:30 pm and program begins at 7 pm. This presentation is free to the public.

For more information call (814) 225-2220 or email info@eldredpaww2museum.com
Eldred World War II Museum, 201 Main St, Eldred, PA 16731, USA
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Fri 18th Sep
8:00 pm
9:00 pm
Night-Time Photo Shoot, Mt. Jewett
Join the Twin Tiers camera club's Bart Barton for a photo shoot out on the bridge! This program includes a brief overview of night-time camera basics.
You must call to sign up at 814-778-5467 Limit 6 participants
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740
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Sat 19th Sep
7:15 am
8:45 am
Morning Bird Walks, Kane
Bring your own binoculars to look for birds and plan on hiking around the park and out on the Bridge! Meet in front of the Visitor Center. 
 For more info please call: 814-778-5467
or visit
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740
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Sat 19th Sep
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
All About Turkeys, Benezette
You may commonly think of turkeys around Thanksgiving, but they are all around Pennsylvania throughout the year. Stop in to learn about their characteristics, turkey calling, and various hunting opportunities.
For more information please call 814-787-5173
Elk Country Visitor Center, 950 Winslow Hill Rd, Benezette, PA 15821
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