Upcoming Events

Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau
Sat 8th Jul
3:00 pm
12:00 am
Squatchfest 2017, Kane
The day's events will be packed full of fun for everyone, including children's games, the ever popular Sasquatch calling contest, a pig roast, live chainsaw carvers, and for the grand finale, a fireworks extravaganza! Enjoy delicious food while listening to live music bands. Family friendly area with kids games. Tickets are $10 for kids, $15 for
adults - $20 at the gate.
For more information please call: 814-837-9760
Or visit:
Kane Family Drive In Theatre, 6627 Route 6 East, Kane, PA 16735
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Sun 9th Jul
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Living with Snakes Demonstration, Benezette
Approximately 50% of our population is scared of snakes. Come learn how to properly identify the venomous snakes of Pennsylvania and some interesting facts about them. Stick around after the program for a chance to meet Cocoa and Java our Eastern Black Rat snakes.

For more information call 814-787-5167, or visit:
950 Winslow Hill Rd, Benezette, PA 15821, USA
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Wed 12th Jul
11:30 am
1:00 pm
Lunch in the Square, Bradford
Enjoy menus from various Bradford restaurants and live musical entertainment. Open to the public.
For more information please call: 814-598-2646
Veterans Square on Main Street in Bradford, PA 16701
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Thu 13th Jul
Summer Concerts, Port Allegany Town Square
Bring your favorite lawn chairs or a big blanket to spread out on the grass. It’s a casual summer evening of warm breezes and great music for all ages. With free admission, free parking and free entertainment everyone can attend.
For more information call: 814-642-5171
or visit:
Port Allegany, PA 16743, USA
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