Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau | ![]() |
Sat 30th Jul | Renegade Monster Truck Tour, Smethport The Renegade MonsterTruck Tour features over 2 hours of pure adrenaline-fueledexcitement for all ages! High-level and affordable family entertainment.Tickets are on sale now. McKean County Fairgrounds, 7172 PA-46, Smethport, PA 16749, USA | |
Sat 30th Jul 10:00 am 3:00 pm | Derrick Day Festival, Bradford, PA Celebrate the rich oil and gas heritage of the region at this Derrick Day. Stop at the museum and enjoy a day of craft vendors, food, demonstrations, antique oilfield equipment displays, candle making, a chainsaw carver, barbershop quartet, and talks of oilfield history. Admission is free. For more information call: 814-362-1955 or visit: Penn-Brad Oil Museum, 901 South Ave, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 30th Jul 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Walk and Talk, Benezette Join a staff member as they walk the trails around the Elk Country Visitor Center-Learn many interesting facts about the property and wildlife that often inhabit the fields. you will be covering topics such as what elk eat, where they spend their time, and how each season brings something different. For more information call 814-787-5173 Or visit elkcountryvisitorcenter.....ours/ Elk Country Visitor Center, 950 Winslow Hill Rd, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sun 31st Jul | Gravel Grinder Bike Races to be Held on ANF The US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service announcedthat Epic Races plans to hold two bike races in Allegheny National Forest. The first race, TheCook Forest Gravel Grinder, is scheduled for July 31st and will begin in Cook Forest State Parkand proceed onto national forest roads in the Marienville Ranger District. For information on how to register visit www.trans-sylvaniaprod.....;nbsp; Allegheny National Forest, Marienville, PA 16239 | |
Sun 31st Jul 12:00 pm 1:00 pm | Geocaching with a Bigfoot Twist, Mt. Jewett Visit the park to learn about the exciting hobby of geocaching! GPS units are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. You may call ahead to reserve a unit at 814-778-5467. The caches will have information about Bigfoot in them! Meet in front of the visitor center. Dress for the weather! Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740 | |
Sun 31st Jul 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Antler Scoring, Benezette "Woah! that is a 400+ bull for sure" Being in Elk Country you will probably hear that a lot, and you may be a bit confused about what that means. Now is the time to learn! Antler scoring is a fun and useful tool to have when exploring Elk Country, get a free lesson today. For more information call 814-787-5173 Or visit elkcountryvisitorcenter.....ours/ Elk Country Visitor Center, 950 Winslow Hill Rd, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Tue 2nd Aug | National Night Out, Bradford Come together to form strong police-community partnerships. Free food, games, activities & more. The City of Bradford Police department will have officers available from 5 to 8 p.m. on Chamber Street to interact with community members as part of the event. For more information visit Chambers Street, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Fri 5th Aug 3:30 pm 8:00 pm | Kane Wine Walk, Kane 2nd Annual Kane Wine Walk this year on Friday, August 5th! A few changes this year to enhance the experience! Registration is from 3:30 - 6:30 and lasts until 8 pm. For more information call 814-837-6565 Historic Downtown, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Sun 7th Aug 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Talk, Benezette Elk Talk?You’re telling me elk talk?.... They do! Elk actually communicate in severaldifferent ways. Join our KECA staff as we learn about the many differentsignals and calls that elk make or use when “talking” with one another. In notime, you’ll be able to understand exactly what an elk is saying just bywatching them in the field. For more information call 814-787-5173 Or visit Elk Country Visitor Center, 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sun 7th Aug 3:00 pm 5:00 pm | Paint N Sip, Kane Paint & Sip with Clarissa Burford, $40 per person includes Wine, tasting Painting, and Light Fare Food. Tickets must be purchased and paid in advance. For more info call 814-837-8298 Or visit The Lodge at Twisted Vine Winery, 117 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Thu 11th Aug to Sat 13th Aug | Festa Italiana, Bradford Celebrate the city of Bradford's Italian heritage with authentic and homemade Italian food, children's games, and rides. Enjoy cold beverages at the beer tent while listening to live music. There will be a meatball eating contest and fireworks on Saturday. The Festival will start on Thursday at 4 p.m., and Friday and Saturday at 11 a.m. More info: Festival Way, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Fri 12th Aug to Sun 14th Aug | 50th Mt. Jewett Swedish Festival, Mt.Jewett For information Visit: West Main Street, Mt. Jewett, PA 16740 | |
Sat 13th Aug | Gravel Grinder Bike Races to be Held on ANF The second event, TheAllegheny Forest Gravel Grinder, is scheduled for August 13th and will take place in the BradfordRanger District beginning at Kinzua Beach. Each event will include up to 150 riders. For information on how to register please visit Allegheny National Forest - Bradford Ranger Station, 29 Forest Service Dr, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 13th Aug 12:00 pm 1:00 pm | Make and Take tree Cookie Craft, Benezette Visiting elkcountry is always an exciting adventure, and you may even want to grab a souvenirto capture all the memories you made. Sometimes it can be hard to figure outwhich one to get. Well, the Elk Country Visitor Center may have just the thingand it’s free! Join us in decorating a tree cookie of your very own in your ownunique way. It’s sure to be the perfect way to remember the time you spent herein elk country! For more information call 814-787-5173 Or visit Elk Country Visitor Center, 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sun 14th Aug to Sat 20th Aug | 116th McKean County Fair, East Smethport More info: 814-887-5361 McKean County Fair Grounds, 7172 Rt. 46, East Smethport, PA 16749 | |
Sun 14th Aug 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Basics, Benezette New tolearning about elk? Join us for the basic breakdown as we learn about elkhistory, elk ecology, and elk behavior. Are you a seasoned “Elkspert?” We betyou’ll learn something new too! For more information call 814-787-5173 Or visit Elk Country Visitor Center, 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Thu 25th Aug to Sun 28th Aug | Crook Farm Old Time Music Festival, Bradford For more information call (814) 362-3906 or Visit Crook Farm, 476 Seaward Ave, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 27th Aug 1:00 pm 3:00 pm | PA Mushroom Foraging, Benezette Members ofthe Central PA Mushroom Club will be onsite to provide information onmushrooming in our part of the state. We will forage on the grounds of the ElkCountry Visitor Center and then identify the mushrooms found. This will be agreat educational event! For more information call 814-787-5173 Or visit Elk Country Visitor Center, 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sun 28th Aug 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Welcome to the Rut, Benezette The matingseason for the elk is upon us, join us at the Elk Country Visitor Center as we learnall about the unique behaviors that elk display during this time of the year! For more information call: 814-787-5173 Or visit Elk Country Visitor Center, 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sat 3rd Sep 11:00 am 9:30 pm | Flickerwood Fall Fest, Kane Make your best Mac & Cheese and enter it in the Mac & Cheese competition. Learn how to throw axes with their throwing instructor. Compete against friends! Enjoy Cj's BBQ, wine competition, Cornhole competition, and Live music by Marshmellow overcoat. For more information Call: 814-837-7566 Or Visit Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Sat 3rd Sep 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Smart, Benezette Or visit elkcountryvisitorcenter.....ours/ Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sun 4th Sep 12:00 pm 1:00 pm | Intro to Geocaching, Mt. Jewett Held on the General Kane Trail at Kinzua Bridge State Park. There are a limited number of units available; call the park office at (814) 778-5467 if you need a unit. Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740 | |
Sun 4th Sep 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Snakes of Pennsylvania, Benezette Join KECA’s own snake expert Russell Wheeler as he shares his vast knowledge of Pennsylvania’s snake species. He will have live snakes on hand including an eastern black rat snake and a timber rattlesnake. For more information call 814-878-5173 or visit elkcountryvisitorcenter.....ours/ Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Mon 5th Sep 12:00 pm 1:00 pm | Introduction to Archery, Mt. Jewett Targets and bows will be provided. For more information call (814) 778-5467 Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740 | |
Sat 10th Sep 11:00 am 9:00 pm | BCPAC’s Fall Music & Arts Festival, Bradford Enjoy a widevariety of live music throughout the day, shop from local artisans, food &more. Plus bid onyour favorite artwork from this year's Heart of the Arts. For more information visit Festival Way, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 10th Sep 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | PA Trapping Techniques, Benezette For more information please call 814-787-5173 Or visit elkcountryvisitorcenter.....ours/ Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sun 11th Sep 9:00 am 4:00 pm | Autumn Car Days, Bradford Antique vehicles, classic vehicles, street rods, specialinterest cars & more all line Main Street for this day of family fun. For more information Main Street, Main St, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sun 11th Sep 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Explanations, Benezette New to learning about elk? Join us for the basic breakdown as we learn about elk history, elk ecology, and elk behavior. Are you a seasoned “Elkspert?” We bet you’ll learn something new, too! Have burning questions about elk? Wondering how elk are managed? Perhaps you have a question about their favorite foods or habit? Maybe you’d like to know how long they live or when the calving season is. Join our staff at the Elk Country Visitor Center to find the answers to these questions and more! For more information call 814-787-5173 or visit elkcountryvisitorcenter.....ours/ Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Tue 13th Sep 6:00 pm 8:00 pm | Cruise-In Tuesday, Bradford Stop by Papa Scoops on September 13th for their Last Cruise-In Tuesday. Bring your Car, Jeep, Truck, or Motorcycle down while you enjoy live music, grab something to eat, and don't forget the scoops. For more information visit Papa Scoops, 58 W Washington St, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 17th Sep 10:00 am to Sun 18th Sep 6:00 pm | Kinzua Bridge State Park Fall Festival, Mt. Jewett Kinzua Bridge State Park Fall Festival. Rain or shine. Arts/crafts and food vendors live musical entertainment. Bring a chair, stay all day! For more information please call: (814) 778-5467 Or visit: Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Road, Mt Jewett, PA 16740 | |
Sat 17th Sep 2:00 pm 11:00 pm | Logtober Fest., Kane - Live Bands (All-day) Woodshed Prophets @co.townes + several more! Dozens of Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries (List to follow). Unlimited Sampling $5 per full pour, Ax Throwing, Corn Hole Tournament, Lawn Games, Stein Holding Contest, Yodeling Contest, Chainsaw Carving, Food Vendors, Camping Spots (On-site - Limited to 100 Camp Sites) For more information call: 814-598-0774 Or visit Logyard Brewing - Brewery, 20 Wetmore Ave, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Sat 17th Sep 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Basics, Benezette New to learning about Elk? Stop in for the basic breakdown as you learn about Elk history, Elk ecology, and Elk behavior. Are you a seasoned "Elkspert?" For more information please call 814-787-5173 Or visit elkcountryvisitorcente.....ours/ Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sun 18th Sep 12:00 pm 1:30 pm | Elk Country Escape Room, Benezette Escape rooms are all the rage these days and the staff has designed their own! Think you have what it takes to escape. In this free escape room, the elk biologist Molly Wener has gone missing, and they need your help to search her office for clues to her whereabouts. The program will run every half an hour from 12-2 pm and is free. You can pre-register by emailing or by calling 814-787-5173 Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Thu 22nd Sep 5:30 pm 6:30 pm | Summer Yoga 10 dollars per class. Runs every Thursday through the end of September Pfeiffer Nature Center Lillibridge Property, 1974 Lillibridge Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sat 24th Sep 12:00 pm 4:00 pm | Pumpkin Fest, Bradford The annual college and community collaboration features many pumpkin-themed events, games, fall treats, and vendors. Ride the hayride, challenge a friend on the bungee run, scale the climbing wall or bring your little ones to the Pitt-Bradford kid's zone. For more information call 814-362-5091 or visit Main Street, Main St, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 24th Sep 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Basics, Benezette New to learning about Elk? Stop in for the basic breakdown as you learn about Elk history, Elk ecology, and Elk behavior. Are you a seasoned "Elkspert?" For more information please call 814-787-5173 Or visit elkcountryvisitorcente.....ours/ Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Sat 24th Sep 4:00 pm 10:00 pm | Moon Dance, Westline, PA or visit: Westline Historic Dance Hall, 1 Westline Road (3 miles off of Rt. 219) Westline, PA 16751 | |
Sat 24th Sep 5:30 pm 9:00 pm | Hike for Hannah, Smethport 2nd annual honor walks to promote suicide awareness and education in McKean county, PA. This event is open to anyone who has experienced a loss from suicide, is celebrating a survival story, or just wants to show support for suicide awareness. Guest speaker, Games, Food, giveaways, Luminari4es, Honor Walk, and lots more! For more information and to register go to @hikeforhannah2022 or call 814-778-5747 Hamlin Lake Park, Park Ln, Smethport, PA 16749 | |
Sun 25th Sep 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Welcome to the Rut, Benezette The matingseason for the elk is upon us, join us at the Elk Country Visitor Center as we learnall about the unique behaviors that elk display during this time of the year! For more information call: 814-787-5173 Or visit Elk Country Visitor Center, 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821 | |
Thu 29th Sep 5:30 pm 6:30 pm | Summer Yoga 10 dollars per class. Runs every Thursday through the end of September Pfeiffer Nature Center Lillibridge Property, 1974 Lillibridge Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Fri 30th Sep 8:00 pm 9:00 pm | Kinzua Night Sky Interpretative Program Bradford, PA, September 22, 2022 — The US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service is offering a free, interpretive constellation tour program in Allegheny National Forest on Friday, September 30, 2022, from 8:00 to 9:00 pm, at Kinzua Beach. All ages are invited to participate in this forest ranger-led program. “During our journey across the sky, we will identify stars, constellations, and night sky objects while exploring connections to our past and future,” said Forest Ranger Sarah Needs. We recommend participants bring a chair or blanket and take steps to protect themselves from biting insects. Participants should meet at Kinzua Beach, located off of State Route 59, no later than 7:50 pm. For questions about the Constellation Tour, call the Bradford Ranger District Office at 814- 363-6000. Kinzua Beach | |
Sat 1st Oct 9:00 am 11:00 am | Bird Lecture and Walk Local birding expert John Fedak will give a talk on local birds at 9 a.m. The talk will be followed by a two levels of guided bird walk – one level and paved along the Richard E. McDowell Community Trail the other a hike up Quintuple Mountain, both on campus. The event is free and open to the public. Those participating should dress for hiking, bring bug spray and water and beware of ticks. Mukaiyama University Room in the Frame-Westerberg Commons at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford | |
Sat 1st Oct 9:30 am 12:30 pm | 2nd Annual Jarrett Costanzo Memorial Jeep and Fun Run We will drive in the Allegheny National Forest and stop at some of our favorite spots. At most locations we will Explore and roll. Some new and some old. 9:30am Sign in and line up 11am Jeep Run begins. Pricing: $30.00/person Jeep Run & Chicken BBQ Dinner or $45.00/person Jeep Run, BBQ & T-shirt Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sat 1st Oct 10:00 am 5:00 pm | Arts on the Island Festival, Smethport For more information please call 814-887-5142 Or visit: Hamlin Lake, Smethport, PA 16749 | |
Thu 6th Oct 5:30 pm 8:00 pm | Annual Autumn Auction Fundraiser, Bradford It is Football and Pumpkin spice season and that means it is also time for the Bradford Area Chamber’s Annual Autumn Auction. The event will take place Thursday, October 6 at the St. Bernard’s Gym (95 E. Corydon Street) with food and a cash bar provided by the Bradford Club. Social hour starts at 5:30 and the auction starts at 6:30. Tickets can be purchased by calling the chamber at 814-368-7115 or online at – auction. The price is $65 for two tickets or $35 for one ticket. St. Bernard’s Gym, 95 E Corydon St, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Fri 7th Oct 5:00 pm to Sat 8th Oct 9:00 pm | Carved Pumpkin Walk, Kane Stop down to enjoy a stroll in the park where you will find illuminated carved pumpkins, scarecrows, picture spots, food, games and so much more! For more information call 814-837-6565 Evergreen Park, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Fri 7th Oct 5:30 pm 6:30 pm | Reiki Meditation Suggested 10 dollar donation. Bring a yoga mat and/or blanket. Class will be canceled in event of severe weather. Pfeiffer Nature Center Lillibridge Property, 1974 Lillibridge Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Fri 7th Oct 7:00 pm 8:00 pm | Catstronauts Catstronauts is a happening, a collective of avant-jazz/fusion musicians stretching out into dance, electronica, funk, and soul. Featuring musicians: Manu Gajanan (piano & keyboard), Jon Sampson (drums), Peter-Michel Natishan (electric & upright bass), and Michael Davis (saxophone). Free. Studio Theater in Blaisdell Hall at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford | |
Sat 8th Oct 8:00 am 12:30 pm | Marilla Trail Race, Bradford The 14 mile run starts at 9:30 am, and the registration fee is $40. The 7 mile run starts at 10 am, and registration is $30. All proceeds are going to benefit the Tuna Valley Trail Assoc. For more information please call: 814-598-7082 or email Marilla Bridges Trail, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 8th Oct 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Walk and Talk Join a staff member as we walk the trails around the Elk Country Visitor Center. Learn many interesting facts about the property and wildlife that often inhabit these fields. We will be covering topics such as what elk eat, where they spend their time, and how each season brings something different. If you have any questions, please contact our Con Ed staff at (814)787–5173 Emails: Ben Porkolab Hunter Horning Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sun 9th Oct 1:00 pm 7:00 pm | Apple-Cidering Our staff will be making apple cider the old-fashioned way and will welcome guests of all ages to lend a hand! We will also be providing free samples, so join us for a great family friendly activity! If you have any questions, please contact our Con Ed staff at (814)787–5173 Emails: Ben Porkolab Hunter Horning Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 15th Oct 1:00 pm 3:00 pm | Halloween Dog Event: Trick for Treat Dog Trail Walk and Costume Contest for Dogs or contact the office at 716-933-0187. All dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. This program will be canceled in the event of rain. If the weather appears questionable, look for a cancellation notice on the top of our website home page. Pfeiffer Nature Center is supported by United Way funding. Pfeiffer Nature Center where science, art & nature come together. Pfeiffer Nature Center Lillibridge Property, 1974 Lillibridge Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sat 15th Oct 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Trapping in Pennsylvania Our PSU Intern Mitchell will provide this educational program on trapping in the Keystone state. He will cover traps used, Pa furbearers and different sets used. Trapping as an integral part of wise land stewardship will also be explained. Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sun 16th Oct 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | PA Pollinators Our PSU Intern Jess will discuss how we as a community can properly provide for pollinators and which ones are of most importance. She will also cover what we can plant that is native to Pennsylvania that will also help native pollinators. The repercussions of planting non-native pollinator plants will also be discussed. Pollinator seed packets for Pennsylvania will be distributed. Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Mon 17th Oct 3:00 pm to Wed 19th Oct 1:00 pm | Photography for Everyone, Ludlow Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Sterling will serve as the facilitator for this workshop. Rev. Sterling is a retired UMC pastor, having most recently served at St. Paul's UMC in Allison Park, PA from 2014 to 2021. The event starts with dinner on Monday, October 17, and concludes with lunch on Wednesday, October 19. Check-in is in Groves Lodge between 3 and 5 pm on Monday. Pricing includes a two-night stay (private hotel-style room with linens), six meals, and course tuition. Discounts are available for those willing to select or be assigned a roommate. Please contact Olmsted for commuter rates. For more information call 814-945-6512 Or visit Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333 | |
Fri 21st Oct 7:30 am 8:30 am | Night Sky Program The US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service is offering a free, interpretive night sky program in Allegheny National Forest on Friday, October 21, 2022, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm, at Hearts Content National Scenic Area. This is the second and final night sky program offered in Allegheny National Forest this year. All ages are invited to participate in this forest ranger-led program. “During our journey across the sky, we will identify stars, constellations, and night sky objects while exploring connections to our past and future,” said Forest Ranger Sarah Needs. We recommend participants bring a chair or blanket and prepare for the weather. Participants should meet at the Hearts Content Interpretive Trail Trailhead, located off of Hearts Content Road, no later than 7:20 pm. For questions about the Night Sky Program, call the Bradford Ranger District Office at 814- 363-6000. Hearts Content Road, Hearts Content Rd, Pennsylvania, USA | |
Sat 22nd Oct 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Eastern Coyote The Eastern Coyote is an animal that has stirred interests and emotions among many that live in the state of Pennsylvania. Come out and learn some facts about this amazing animal! Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 22nd Oct 7:00 pm 8:00 pm | Costumes, Cocktails, and Quizzo Join us & play Halloween Quizzo/Trivia, enjoy a Flight of Halloween Cocktails & Small Bites & Dress up in your favorite Halloween Costumes. SAT. SEPT. 22ND 7PM - $25.00 / person PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES!! Call to sign up & pay a $10.00 deposit per person! 814-837-7566 Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sun 23rd Oct 10:00 am to Tue 25th Oct 10:30 am | Fall Woman's Retreat, Ludlow You are invited to come away to Olmsted this fall and immerse yourself in the rich study and seeking with a cohort of other powerful Christian women. Olmsted's women's retreats offer inspirational speaking, encouraging group discussions, quiet time with God, opportunities to enjoy stillness and nature, and Christian hospitality that will make you feel welcome and cared for. Come and attend to your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Pricing includes a two-nights stay (private hotel-style room with linens), six meals, and course tuition. Discounts are available for those willing to select or be assigned a roommate. Please contact Olmsted for commuter rates. Register online, print and mail the registration form, or call to register at (814) 945-6512 Or visit Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333 | |
Sun 23rd Oct 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Elk Basics New to learning about elk? Join us for the basic breakdown as we learn about elk history, elk ecology and elk behavior. Are you a seasoned “Elkspert?” We bet you’ll learn something new too! Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Wed 26th Oct 7:30 pm 8:30 pm | Author Joyful Clemantine Wamariya The author of “The Girl Who Smiled Beads” will talk about her childhood flight from Rwanda during the country’s civil war and genocide and being a refugee in seven African countries before obtaining asylum in the United States. Bromeley Family Theater, Blaisdell Hall, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford | |
Fri 28th Oct to Wed 30th Nov | Children’s Storybook Trail at Lillibridge In America, nothing cries out “Autumn is Here!” louder than the pumpkin! This gorgeous gourd acts as an ambassador to both of our beloved fall holidays, Halloween and Thanksgiving. To share in the celebration of our great friend the pumpkin, visit us at the Lillibridge Property for a new storybook adventure along our Storybook Reading Trail. Read the children’s book It’s A Pumpkin! __on the Interpretive Trail ( Griffin’s Way– an easy, .36 mi round trip trail) as you walk through our old growth forest. The storybook pages are held in place by our gentle giants as you pass by. The book will be available beginning Friday, October 28th through Wednesday, November 30th. The Lillibridge Property is located at 1974 Lillibridge Road, Portville, NY. We would love for you to share pictures and let us know how you enjoyed your visit by e-mailing naturalist@ Pfeiffer Nature Center Lillibridge Property, 1974 Lillibridge Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sat 29th Oct 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | Wildlife Photography Have you ever wanted to capture wildlife in their natural setting? Or have you ever wanted to take up a new hobby enjoying the outdoors? The Elk Country Visitor Center has the program for you! We are hosting a program on photography basics, gear, settings, and locating wildlife. This program is for any level photographer ranging to beginner to seasoned pro! If you have any questions, please contact our Con Ed staff at (814)787–5173 Emails: Ben Porkolab Hunter Horning Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Sat 29th Oct 4:30 pm 5:30 pm | Adult Trick or Treat Night Adult Trick or Treat Night in and around Kane! The bus for this Stroll leaves at 4:30pm from the Elm. (Chestnut Street Elementary Parking Lot) Please leave you car in the parking lot and get ready for the ride of your life. 1. Dress up and visit some of the bars and taverns with your Ghoulish Tour Guide. 2. Be ready to load the bus at 4:30pm promptly with your tour guide. 3. You will visit Flickerwood Wine Cellars, CJs Distillery, West Side Grill, VFW, Eagles Club, Pepes, Twisted Vine, Table 105, Logyard Brewing and conclude at the Elks for live music with XIII. (Your ticket price includes your entrance to this event.) 4.Look for your complimentary Jell - O Shot at each location. 5. Enjoy a Halloween drink special of a SPOOKY Halloween drink! (Additional Charge ) 6. Try a SpOOky snack at some locations! (Additional Charge) 7. Participate in Costume Contests at each location. Each location will award a prize before you leave for the next venture. 8. Have a DESIGNATED DRIVER OR UBER when you drive home! Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sat 29th Oct 7:00 pm 10:00 pm | William Feasley: Echoes of Goya After a hiatus of nearly 2 1/2 years, the Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center returns to a regular schedule of live programming on Oct. 29 with “William Feasley: Echoes of Goya.” This multimedia experience sets music for classical guitar against a backdrop of Spanish masterpieces by 19th-century painter and printmaker, Francisco Goya. Since making his debut in 1980 with the San Francisco ballet, award-winning guitarist William Feasley has maintained an active schedule of international tours. He has been a featured soloist across the globe from Spain to Ecuador performing exclusively on hand-made guitars created by the late Randy Angella. Feasley appeared in the museum’s inaugural concert series in the winter of 2018 in a solo recital at Marilyn Horne Hall. By popular demand, he returns this month for this very special presentation of music and art. “Echoes of Goya” explores the life and artistry of Francisco Goya who was born in Spain in the mid-18th-century. His haunting, and often macabre, paintings would influence generations of artists and musicians. Feasley’s performance will pair music for Spanish guitar with a selection of Goya’s artworks projected on the Bromeley Theater’s large format screen. Horne Museum director Matthew Hileman said, “Presentations of famous artworks paired with music have become popular around the country. This performance highlights William’s extraordinary talent while giving the audience a powerful visual and historical context.” The recital will also include Feasley’s reflections on Goya’s life and how political upheaval and the Napoleonic Wars affected his work. It is being presented as part of the museum’s Candlelight Concert Series, a program of free concerts and recitals offered annually. The series is one of the museum’s signature educational and outreach programs designed to introduce new audiences to the world of classical performance. This event will take place in the Bromeley Family Theater on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. Admission is free. Seating is open. Advance tickets or reservations are not required. The theater doors will open at 7 p.m. and the performance will begin at 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit About the Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center Opened to the public in May 2017, The Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford showcases highlights from the personal archive of legendary opera singer, Marilyn Horne. The museum’s mission is to further interest in the art of opera and to inspire and educate new generations on the importance of art, culture, and philanthropy through the life and achievements of renowned mezzo-soprano, Marilyn Horne. To learn more, visit
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 29th Oct 7:30 pm 10:30 pm | CJ’s Annual Halloween Party Dig out your best costumes for CJ’s Annual Halloween Bash. JB wil be rockin the patio. Prizes for best costumes. Winners will be announced at 9:00. Drink Specials No Cover CJ Spirits, 120 Willow Run Dr, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sat 29th Oct 8:00 pm 11:00 pm | Second Act Trio @ Westline Inn Halloween Party Hey Westline, PA👋 Second Act Trio will be you entertainment at the Westline Inn Saturday Oct 29 from 8-11pm for their Halloween party 🎃 👻 Have a great day and See you then❤️ Westline Inn, 1 Westline Rd, Westline, PA 16740, USA | |
Sun 30th Oct 12:00 pm 4:00 pm | Deer Season kick off, bradford The Kinzua Quality Deer Cooperative (KQDC) announces eventswill take place on Sunday, October 30, at its Deer Season “Kick-Off”. Allevents are to take place atthe Bradford Campus of the University of Pittsburghin the Frame-Westerberg Commons Mukaiyama University Room. All presentationsare FREE and open to the public. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sun 30th Oct 1:00 pm 4:00 pm | Halloween Extravaganza Join us for a fun-filled day of spooktacular crafts, games, and treats! Feel free to come in your costume if you’d like as well! We will have a costume parade with BENNY the Bull Elk leading the way at 2:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact our Con Ed staff at (814)787–5173 Emails: Ben Porkolab Hunter Horning Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821, USA | |
Tue 1st Nov 12:00 pm 1:00 pm | Perry Grund: Stories from People of the Longhouse Nov. 1 – Perry Grund: Stories from People of the Longhouse, noon, Mukaiyama University Room, Frame-Westerberg Commons, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. Traditional Iroquois legends that teach about Indigenous beliefs, customs and history. Free. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Thu 3rd Nov to Sat 5th Nov | Holiday Open House, Bradford The official kick-off to the Holiday shopping season in Historic Downtown Bradford! Enjoy special sales and promotions from our local merchants and restaurants. For more information visit Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 5th Nov 10:00 am 4:00 pm | Arts Crafts and Antique Show Arts Crafts and Antique Show Portville Central School 500 Elm St Portville, NY 14770 Portville Central Schools, 500 Elm St, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sat 5th Nov 10:00 am 4:00 pm | Arts Crafts and Antique Show Arts Crafts and Antique Show Portville Central School 500 Elm St Portville, NY 14770 Portville Central Schools, 500 Elm St, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sat 5th Nov 11:00 am 3:00 pm | Sled Dogs Dry Land Event, Mt. Jewett The mushers and sled dogs are back at Kinzua Bridge State Park on Nov. 5. This time they will be using their “Dry-Land” equipment! Join us at the Kinzua Bridge State Park to watch this exciting event with demonstrations and timed events. And of course, the Huskies! This event will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Meet near the Knox & Kane Rail Trail near the visitor center. For more information, contact Kinzua Bridge State Park Visitor Center and Park Office at (814) 778-5467 or e-mail at Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Rd, Mt Jewett, PA 16740 | |
Sun 6th Nov 10:00 am 11:00 am | Meditation at Lillibridge Join us for a meditative walk through the fallen leaves as we find reflection and inquiry among the trees. Mirroring a season that focuses on letting go, we too will set intentions to release what we no longer need as we prepare to winter. Forest bathing is a slow calming wander, practiced for centuries but coined a term in Japan in the 80s. This session is led by Jessie Lampack Slattery, local yoga instructor and outdoor enthusiast. We will breathe and enjoy the many physical, emotional, mental, and energetic benefits of a saunter through the woods, this is a whole-body experience. All ages are invited if they can maintain our quiet atmosphere, all we ask is you please prepare for cold temperatures and show up with an open mind. We hope to see you there! Cost is $5 per person and can be paid at the time of the program. Pre-registration is not required. In the event of extreme weather, this program will be canceled. If the weather appears questionable, look for a cancellation notice on the front of our website home page. This walk will be held at the Lillibridge property- 1974 Lillibridge road, Portville. Pfeiffer Nature Center is supported by United Way Funding. Pfeiffer Nature Center where science, art & nature come together. Pfeiffer Nature Center Lillibridge Property, 1974 Lillibridge Rd, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Sun 6th Nov 10:00 am 4:00 pm | Arts Crafts and Antique Show Arts Crafts and Antique Show Portville Central School 500 Elm St Portville, NY 14770 Portville Central Schools, 500 Elm St, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Mon 7th Nov 10:00 am 4:00 pm | Arts Crafts and Antique Show Arts Crafts and Antique Show Portville Central School 500 Elm St Portville, NY 14770 Portville Central Schools, 500 Elm St, Portville, NY 14770, USA | |
Tue 8th Nov 11:00 am 1:00 pm | Election Day Soup Luncheon Come and join us at the Kane Community Centeron Tuesday November the 8th for our annual soup luncheon! It’s $5 forunlimited soup tastings, a dessert and beverage. Receive 2 tickets tovote for your favorite soup with an “I Voted” sticker and 1 without thesticker. Who will get the traveling trophy this year to keep at theirrestaurant for the next year? Logyard is the current reigning champ, willthey stay that way for 2023?? Contact Heather at 814-837-6565 for more information or for your organization to submit a soup! All Proceeds benefit the Kane Chamber ofCommerce Kane Area Community Center, 46 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Thu 10th Nov 7:30 pm 8:30 pm | “Concord Floral" Nov. 10 – “Concord Floral,” 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10,11 and 12 and 2 p.m. Nov. 13, Studio Theater, Blaisdell Hall, University ofPittsburgh at Bradford. Student theater production of a suburban thriller inwhich 10 teenagers flee a plague of their own making. Concord Floral is aone-million-square-foot abandoned greenhouse and a refuge for neighborhoodkids, but hidden there is a secret no one wants to confront. This productionhas adult content and language. $6 for public; $2 for students. For tickets,call 814-362-5113, visit or visit the Bromeley FamilyTheater Box Office in Blaisdell Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Fri 11th Nov 6:00 pm 8:00 pm | Family Fun Friday at the Kane Area Community Center November 11 6 -8 p.m., Family Fun Friday at the Kane Area Community Center (46 N Fraley Street). It's STUFF-A-PLUSH night! Sponsored by KACC and ADAS. Donations are appreciated for future events. All kinds of animals will be available. 46 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Fri 11th Nov 6:30 pm 8:00 pm | Full Moon Mandala Paint Night at Flickerwood Wine Cellars 6:30 - 8 p.m., Full Moon Mandala Paint Night at Flickerwood Wine Cellars (309 Flickerwood Road). Enjoy the evening and the night sky with us as we paint during the full moon’s eclipse cycle. The mandala we paint is a achieved by building layers of sacred geometrics, colors, shapes, that abstractly inform the meaning. Suitable for all artistic levels! It is $40.00 / person and includes a Full Moon Cocktail or glass of wine. Click here for Facebook event and how to get tickets. Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Fri 11th Nov 7:30 pm 8:30 pm | “Concord Floral" Nov. 10 – “Concord Floral,” 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10,11 and 12 and 2 p.m. Nov. 13, Studio Theater, Blaisdell Hall, University ofPittsburgh at Bradford. Student theater production of a suburban thriller inwhich 10 teenagers flee a plague of their own making. Concord Floral is aone-million-square-foot abandoned greenhouse and a refuge for neighborhoodkids, but hidden there is a secret no one wants to confront. This productionhas adult content and language. $6 for public; $2 for students. For tickets,call 814-362-5113, visit or visit the Bromeley FamilyTheater Box Office in Blaisdell Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 12th Nov 7:30 pm 8:30 pm | “Concord Floral" Nov. 10 – “Concord Floral,” 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10,11 and 12 and 2 p.m. Nov. 13, Studio Theater, Blaisdell Hall, University ofPittsburgh at Bradford. Student theater production of a suburban thriller inwhich 10 teenagers flee a plague of their own making. Concord Floral is aone-million-square-foot abandoned greenhouse and a refuge for neighborhoodkids, but hidden there is a secret no one wants to confront. This productionhas adult content and language. $6 for public; $2 for students. For tickets,call 814-362-5113, visit or visit the Bromeley FamilyTheater Box Office in Blaisdell Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 12th Nov 8:00 pm 11:00 pm | Vinny and the Mudflaps at Logyard Brewing 8 - 11 p.m., Vinny and the Mudflaps at Logyard Brewing (103 N. Fraley Street). Join us Saturday evening for a special live performance by Vinny and the Mudflaps! Featuring artist covers such as PRINCE, ACDC, Lady GAGA, Whitney Houston, The Offspring and more! We’ll see you there! Logyard Brewing - Taproom, 103 N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sat 12th Nov 9:00 pm 12:00 am | Live Music with Rany A at the Kane Elks Club 9 p.m. - 12 a.m., Live Music with Rany A at the Kane Elks Club (210 Chestnut Street). Join us after the Fire Department’s Gun Bash for live music with Randy A! No cover charge; open to the public. Elks Lodge, 210 Chestnut St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sun 13th Nov 11:00 am 2:00 pm | A Tribute to Veterans of the U.S.A. at the First United Methodist Church 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., A Tribute to Veterans of the U.S.A. at the First United Methodist Church (112 Greeves Street). Please join us at the First United Methodist Church to honor all veterans, families of those currently serving and families of America’s Fallen Heroes! Please bring your family and friends to help us show all who have served our country that we will never forget all they have sacrificed to defend and preserve our freedoms. Welcome Lieutenant Coloney Katie Yancosek, US Army Retired, PHD, OTRIL Recipient of the Bronze Star Medal “A Worthwhile Mission: Caring for American Warriors” Click here to see all who are participating. 112 Greeves St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sun 13th Nov 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | “Concord Floral" Nov. 10 – “Concord Floral,” 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10,11 and 12 and 2 p.m. Nov. 13, Studio Theater, Blaisdell Hall, University ofPittsburgh at Bradford. Student theater production of a suburban thriller inwhich 10 teenagers flee a plague of their own making. Concord Floral is aone-million-square-foot abandoned greenhouse and a refuge for neighborhoodkids, but hidden there is a secret no one wants to confront. This productionhas adult content and language. $6 for public; $2 for students. For tickets,call 814-362-5113, visit or visit the Bromeley FamilyTheater Box Office in Blaisdell Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Sat 19th Nov 1:00 pm 3:00 pm | Wonderous Winter Walk The US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service is offering a free, interpretive hiking program in Allegheny National Forest on Saturday, November 19, 2022, at 1 pm, at the Hearts Content National Scenic Area. Come join us for a 1-mile, ranger-led hike to learn about the amazing events that occur in nature during this seemingly sleepy time of year. Participants should meet at the Hearts Content Interpretive Trail Trailhead, located off of Hearts Content Road by 1 pm. Please arrive prepared with hiking shoes or boots, warm and weather-appropriate clothing, and a blaze-orange piece of clothing for safety. For questions about the Wonderous Winter Walk, call the Bradford Ranger District Office at 814- 363-6000. Hearts Content Recreation Site, Warren, PA 16365, USA | |
Sun 20th Nov 12:00 pm 2:00 pm | Corks & Crafts at Flickerwood Winery with Between the Pines Corks & Crafts returns to FWC with Danielle from Between the Pines Blooms & Botanicals. Design, make and take this Grapevine Harvest Wreath. It is $50.00 and includes all supplies. Click here to out their Facebook event to register. Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Thu 24th Nov 10:00 am 1:00 pm | 11th Annual Kane Turkey Trot 5K for Thanksgiving The 11th annual Kane Turkey Trot 5K will beheld at 10:00 am on Thanksgiving morning. The event benefits the KaneFood Pantry. The fun run and walk will start and finish onWest Hemlock Ave. near the Kane School District offices. Event sponsors,Ned and Lynda Karger, have announced that in keeping with tradition this willagain be a no registration fee, no t-shirt, no age groups, no trophies event. Times will be recorded. In lieu of an entry fee, participantsare asked to bring a donation of cash or non-perishable food items for the KaneArea Food Pantry. This year, unvaccinated runners and walkersare asked to wear a mask if congregating prior to the run. TheKargers appreciate all of the support for this event over the years. Records are not available for the first few years of the event but injust the past 6 years, the Kane Turkey Trot has raised $2050 and donated over775 food items to the Kane Food Pantry. This will be a “rain or shine” event with fun,fellowship and a chance to burn a few extra calories before the bigThanksgiving feast. Water and the traditional mimosas will be servedafter the event. Many local families and visitors from out of town havemade the Kane Turkey Trot a Thanksgiving tradition in Kane. | |
Fri 25th Nov 11:00 am 7:00 pm | Flickerwood's Black Friday Holiday Open House, Kane Taste, Shop & Dine at Flickerwood. Holiday Drink Specials! Discount on wine! Holiday products on sale! Design a holiday ornament. For more information call 814-837-7566 Or visit Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Cocktail Lounge, 309 Flickerwood Rd, Kane, PA 16735 | |
Fri 25th Nov 5:00 pm 6:30 pm | Santa Parade & Light Up Night Join us for a night of Holiday Fun and Festivities beginning with Lighting up Evergreen Park at 5pm. Then the Santa Parade on Fraley Street beginning at 5:30 and ending at the SMP Lot for the lighting of our Christmas Tree! We will have Carolers, Christmas Cookies and Music for the whole Family to enjoy! Lets kick of the Holiday season right in Kane! Phone:814-837-6565 There will be music and hot chocolate and, of course Santa. Maybe the Grinch will be there, too? Click here if you want to enter a float or truck or walk in the Santa Parade. North Fraley Street, N Fraley St, Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Fri 25th Nov 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sat 26th Nov | Shop Small Saturday, Bradford Shop local! Our merchants offer unique gift items for everyone on your list. Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sat 26th Nov 9:30 am 5:00 pm | Shop Small Saturday Kane Join us for Shop Small Saturday to kick offthe Holiday Season! Stop by the Chamber office to pick up your Swag bagwith goodies and coupons and head out and get some shopping done! We willhave the incentives like we did last year, so save your receipts and bring themin to the Chamber for a prize 🙂 The Chamber of Commerce office will be open from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. to give away Shop Small swag bags filled with local goodies and coupons. Bring in your receipts from local shopping on this day and get prizes if you spend $150+! (Reminder, the Chamber is located at the Six&Kane Building.) If you are a business who wants to donate swag for the bags or an incentive to give away to someone who spends $150+ on this Saturday, let us know! Kane, PA 16735, USA | |
Sat 26th Nov 5:00 pm 9:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Sun 27th Nov 11:00 am 4:00 pm | MUSEUM STORE SUNDAY, Bradford Museum Store Sunday at the Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center is the most exciting shopping day of the year with special discounts, giveaways, fun, and surprises for the whole family. It is your opportunity to find a unique and quality gift for your loved ones! For more information call: 814-362-7990 or visit The Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center, 2 Marilyn Horne Way, Bradford, PA 16701 | |
Sun 27th Nov 5:00 pm 8:00 pm | Festival of Lights, Smethport Tis the season for holiday lights, making memories, and coming together! Holiday displays created and built by your local community members and businesses. (Drive through only event) Car-$10 Bus-$25 Questions call/text Chuck 814-367-9591 Or email Or visit McKean County Fairgrounds, East Smethport, PA 16730 | |
Tue 29th Nov 7:00 pm 9:00 pm | A Very Electric Christmas Nov. 29 – A Very Electric Christmas, 7: p.m.,Bromeley Family Theater, Blaisdell Hall, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.Lightwire Theater has designed a magical and captivating story of family,friendship and hope set to timeless holiday hits, including those by Nat KingCole, Mariah Carey and Tchaikovsky. $10 for public. For tickets, call 814-362-5113,visit orvisit the Bromeley Family Theater Box Office in Blaisdell Hall from 11:30 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, 300 Campus Dr, Bradford, PA 16701, USA | |
Fri 2nd Dec 4:00 pm 7:00 pm | Cocktails at Christmas at Kane Manor Inn Come and enjoy the fully decorated Kane Manor Inn with beer, wine, mixed drinks, charcuterie and more. Kane Manor Inn, 230 Clay St, Kane, PA 16735, USA |