Upcoming Events

Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau
Tue 13th Sep
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
Cruise-In Tuesday, Bradford

Stop by Papa Scoops on September 13th for their Last Cruise-In Tuesday. Bring your Car, Jeep, Truck, or Motorcycle down while you enjoy live music, grab something to eat, and don't forget the scoops. 

For more information visit 


Papa Scoops, 58 W Washington St, Bradford, PA 16701
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Sat 17th Sep
10:00 am
to Sun 18th Sep
6:00 pm
Kinzua Bridge State Park Fall Festival, Mt. Jewett
Kinzua Bridge State Park Fall Festival. Rain or shine. Arts/crafts and food vendors live musical entertainment. Bring a chair, stay all day!
For more information please call: (814) 778-5467 
Or visit:
Kinzua Bridge State Park, 296 Viaduct Road, Mt Jewett, PA 16740
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Sat 17th Sep
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Elk Basics, Benezette
New to learning about Elk? Stop in for the basic breakdown as you learn about Elk history, Elk ecology, and Elk behavior. Are you a seasoned "Elkspert?"
For more information please call 814-787-5173
Or visit
Elk Country Visitor Center (Keystone Elk Country Alliance), 134 Homestead Dr, Benezette, PA 15821
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Sat 17th Sep
2:00 pm
11:00 pm
Logtober Fest., Kane
Logyard Brewing is excited to announce our LOGTOBER Fest! 

- Live Bands (All-day) Woodshed Prophets @co.townes + several more! Dozens of Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries (List to follow). Unlimited Sampling $5 per full pour, Ax Throwing, Corn Hole Tournament, Lawn Games, Stein Holding Contest, Yodeling Contest, Chainsaw Carving, Food Vendors, Camping Spots (On-site - Limited to 100 Camp Sites)
For more information call: 814-598-0774
Or visit
Logyard Brewing - Brewery, 20 Wetmore Ave, Kane, PA 16735
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